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Favorite episode titles?

Perhaps this has been discussed before, but I've always felt the titles for the episodes were kind of hit or miss, both in cleverness and appropriateness. Personally, I feel some of the best titles have been those with a double meaning, particularly "Death Lends a Hand", "Suitable for Framing", "Lady in Waiting", and "Double Exposure". I also like "An Exercise in Fatality" quite a bit, taking a common phrase and replacing one word to give it a really menacing quality. Probably my very favorite would be "Any Old Port in a Storm"; it has a poetic aspect, and, in a sense, a double meaning (with the word "port", of course). I don't really understand the full significance of the title myself, whether the "storm" is a literal reference to the stormy sea Carsini dropped his brother's body into, or if it refers to the sort of intense pressures Carsini is under from both Columbo and Karen. I think the ambiguity is something that makes it appealing to me.
On the other hand, some of the titles that I feel are quite silly or mundane are "Lovely but Lethal", "Mind Over Mayhem", "A Case of Immunity", "Fade in to Murder" etc. One title that I feel is perhaps the most inappropriate is "How to Dial a Murder"; it doesn't seem to convey at all the cerebral, hauntingly beautiful nature of the episode. Also, it seemed the interaction between Columbo and Dr. Mason was more focused on discussing dogs and words, with the telephone part being addressed rather briefly. In any case, I was curious if anyone else has a title or titles they're particularly fond of, or any that seem lackluster?

Re: Favorite episode titles?

That second question is always easy for me, and it's THE CONSPIRATORS. It's such a literal-sounding title after hearing all those others (since it's such a late episode), that that ruins the effect of it for me.

Re: Favorite episode titles?

About "How to Dial a Murder", I've always tought that it was referred to Hitchcock movie "Dial M for Murder" because the killer loves cinema rather than the telephone scenes.

Re: Favorite episode titles?

Great topic, Bryce! I do like the ones you mentioned. Another name I've a fondness for is "Candidate for Crime," but then it's my favorite episode, so I am probably biased.

For my vote against, and while I realize it's an homage, I have never liked the title "Sex and the Married Detective" for some reason that I cannot adequately explain. Maybe it's just that it's wordy and awkward. In that same vein are "Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous to Your Health" and "Bye-Bye...". Really wordy ones that don't exactly roll off the tongue. :)

Re: Favorite episode titles?

I agree with you, Grant. It seems as though they could have come up with a more poetic title, especially since the murderer himself is a poet! Also, that same writer (Howard Burk, I believe?) had come up with a title so rich in meaning before, with "By Dawn's Early Light".

I'd never thought about that, Lorenzo! Thanks for the insight; I can certainly appreciate that title better now.

Wendy, I couldn't agree more about those unwieldy titles. Particularly "The Bye Bye etc"; I mean, how do the words "bye bye" and "sky high" even relate to the story?! Of course, I guess one could imagine that "sky high" is perhaps referring to the heightened theatrics in the episode?

Re: Favorite episode titles?

Bryce, I'm not especially defending the longest title, but to break it down, I believe I'd parse the middle phrase as "sky high IQ" -- so what is very high, is the IQ of the victim. Also of the killer and the witnesses, but it's the victim that presumably we are saying "bye-bye" to. So the title may be silly or unneccessary, but it's not totally nonsensical.

Re: Favorite episode titles?

Thanks for that insight, Ted! In all the years I've been reading or hearing that title, I never connected "bye bye", "sky high", and "IQ" in that way, but now that you mention it, it makes perfect sense. I'd also like to reiterate my appreciation for Lorenzo's suggestion about a possible meaning for "How to Dial a Murder"; that's another connection I had never made, but again, it now seems an obvious reference.

Re: Favorite episode titles?

"Ransom for a Dead Man" is an excellent title. "Butterfly in Shades of Grey" is very hard to understand.

Re: Favorite episode titles?

"Ransom etc" is a great title, David, I agree. It's one of the few that's intriguing all by itself, with the seemingly irrationality it suggests. I think that's a really good quality for a title to have; sort of suggesting something vague and mysterious, then having it understood only after seeing what the episode's actually about.