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Re: Darrell Zwerling (character actor) in Mind Over Mayhem

Hide-chan, I actually have that site bookmarked on my browser, and I'm glad you brought it up, because for those American fans who haven't seen it, it's a real treat! I've been wanting to point it out on this forum, for those who didn't already know about it, but I'm not too good with computers and don't know how to post a link, as you did. So thank you very much for posting that web address, and I'd recommend it to any fan. Although I myself can't read Japanese, I find those cartoons for each episode so amusing, with the character likenesses captured brilliantly. I did have some kind of translation option added to the browser, but unfortunately it translates very poorly, but it's still good for a laugh. Having said all that, the trivia you pointed out is very fascinating. I've long wondered about whether there were any deleted scenes throughout the production of the series, and although there are many rich sources of information about "Columbo" in America (not the least of which is "The Ultimate Lieutenant Columbo Site") I myself have yet to come across anything directly related to deleted scenes. Perhaps other users of the forum will be able to shed light on this matter. Again, thank you for sharing the web address, and hopefully you'll find your answer!

Re: Darrell Zwerling (character actor) in Mind Over Mayhem


My pleasure. Thank you for your comments.

There are many Columbo fans and freaks in Japan too. One of them, who I have recently known of on the web, is Ms. Kanako NOMA. According to the website (URL attached below), she graduated from the architectual and interior-goods design course at Bunka Gakuen University in Shibuya, Tokyo, and her graduation work was about houses and interiors goods appeared in Columbo episodes. She made illustrations and architectural drawings of them. If you are interested in them, please visit the link here:

Well, one of her interesting researches reveals that the movie set (House) used in the episode #30 "Playbeck" is the same as the one used in the episode #31 "A Deadly State of Mind", though some parts were redecorated and redone in some ways. You can check how they are different and how they are similar on the link attached here:

I hope you can find someone who speaks Japanese, so that you can understand her works deeper.


* (Bunko Gakuen Univ)

Re: Darrell Zwerling (character actor) in Mind Over Mayhem

I'm definitely going to have to check that out, Hide-chan! That house is one of my favorites in the series. Thank you!