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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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When do they decide?

This has probably come up many times, but in episodes that don't BEGIN with the murder being planned, and ones where the killing doesn't happen suddenly (like DEATH LENDS A HAND or DAGGERS OF THE MIND), it's always interesting to wonder just when the character decides to do it, and what comes before that or after it. Two I always wonder about are THE MOST DANGEROUS MATCH A STITCH IN CRIME.
In the first one, Clayton hears about the escargot being out of Tomlin's diet, and says in that concerned voice "They aren't going to hurt you, are they?" And of course this is before he loses the game in the restaurant, so he might mean it very sincerely.
And in the second one, Dr. Mayfield gets after Dr. Heideman for not letting him know he was brought in as a patient an hour before. So could that be his last moment of actual concern for him, before deciding on the murder?

Re: When do they decide?

Mayfield was only concerned because he missed an opportunity to "treat" Dr. Heideman.

Dr. Mayfield had just read the letter saying they needed another year of research and he knew Heideman would follow that advice, then he hears Heideman was in for heart trouble, so the idea came together right then.

Dr. Mayfield must have spent the last year or so wishing Heideman was out of the way, and now this opportunity just fell into place.

Re: When do they decide?

An intriguing topic, Grant. One episode that I've wondered about in regards to what you're saying is "Old Fashioned Murder". At the beginning, Ruth is obviously upset about Janie hiring Milton, and presumably she has no concrete intention to murder at this point. Then, when Edward threatens to close the museum, she becomes opportunistic and takes advantage of Milton, using him in her (apparently) newly-formed murder scheme. I myself have never been able to tell if Ruth is completely without the intention to murder in the beginning, her having murdered before, after all, and also the indication that she has already been living for years with a deep contempt for her family.
Another episode I wonder about is "A Friend in Deed". At what point does Mark see Hugh's compromised situation as a means to his own murderous end?
Again, a very interesting topic.

Re: When do they decide?

I think that Elliot Markham decides in "Blueprint for Murder" when he is informed that Jennifer Williamson's husband cannot communicate with her until she leaves the health farm.

Re: When do they decide?

Elliott might not have had a lot of false pride (as far as you know), but that public scene where Beau gives him such a dressing down might have helped too. But you're probably right.

Re: When do they decide?

One of the most dramatic decision-to-kill scenes is in "Make me a perfect murder". We knew Kay was ******* he had told her about his plans to leave without her much earlier in the fairly long scene. But the moment when she actually made the decision was when he gave her the car keys. At that point her "murder music" comes on, and as she is hugging him goodbye, she fixes her gaze on the gun he had thrown on the bed.

A funny one is in "Double Exposure", after the blackmailer Roger leaves Dr. Keppel's office, Keppel gives an annoyed sigh, as if to say "now I have to kill him too."

Re: When do they decide?

hah That is pretty funny, Clay - I hadn't thought about that before, but you are right! A murderer's work is never done... :P