The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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anyone remember a scene at the cemetery that wasn't maintained

I don't remember who died, but the cemetery did not maintain the grave site well, and the contract had something like "eternel" but not "in perpetuity" (or maybe the reverse. The cemetery management used that as an excuse as to why it was not kept green. Columbo goes ballistic - "I don't care what the contract says ...".
I was reminded of this because of an insurance company that is denying payment on a claim because of their very narrowly defined criteria for payment.
Anyone have a recollection and an idea how to see that scene again? It would sure cheer me up before I appeal this decision.

Re: anyone remember a scene at the cemetery that wasn't maintained

Sorry, no, that is definitely not a "Columbo" scene. I don't doubt your recollection of seeing such a scene on TV, but I respectfully suggest it must have been in another cop-show. Maybe one of our Forum visitors can be of help.

Re: anyone remember a scene at the cemetery that wasn't maintained

That almost sounds like a "Quincy" scene I think because I remember a "Quincy" where there was a cemetery scene and the reaction sounds more like angry arrogant Quincy than Columbo.

Re: anyone remember a scene at the cemetery that wasn't maintained

Thanks for your replies - it is decades ago, so sure I could be wrong. Quincy? Didn't think so. A cop show, more likely. Oh well.

Re: anyone remember a scene at the cemetery that wasn't maintained

I never got to know it very well, but QUINCY was largely a detective show, and it had its own regular police detective character.

Re: anyone remember a scene at the cemetery that wasn't maintained

Quincy WAS a detective show - just with a pathologist doing the detecting, so it is very plausible it could have been.