The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Morris Buchanan as 2nd detective in "Old Fashioned Murder"

Hi there,

I am a big fan of Columbo from Japan.

The other day, I was watching "Old Fashioned Murder" and noticed one thing: it seems that Morris Buchanan (an Afro-American charactor actor) was not in the episode, though he is certainly credited as "2nd detective" in the end roll of the episode.

I believe that a plain-clothes detective who visits Dr. Shaefer (a victim's brother) with Sgt. Miller is the one who Morris Buchanan was supposed to play in this episode. However, I believe this 2nd detective does not look like Morris Buchanan.

(1) Does anyone know if Morris Buchanan is actually in the episode ? Then please let me know where I can find him.
(2) Does anyone know who the plain-clothes detective (also Afro-American actor) who visits Dr. Shaefer's apartment with Sgt. Miller is ? Please let me know.

Best regards,

* P.S. Morris Buchanan is in the episode called "Deadly State of Mind" as a lab man. In this episode, he conversed with Columbo in the 1st homicide scene as well as the 2nd homicide scene. I believe he is referred to as George by Columbo in the first homicide scene. He is an Afro-American actor and looks rather heavily built.