The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Please help me ! I've been looking for the name of this episode for years !

Hi everyone !

My name is Philidor76, I'm 23, and I'm a big fan of our favorite Lieutenant :)

But I've a problem: After buying all the seasons of the serie, I wanted to look one episode particularly, but I don't manage to find the name of it !

In this episode, the murderer elaborates a system where he drops a pen or a pencil from his sofa/chair, which bounces many times before hitting a device that shoots the person in front of him.

I hope I've been clear enough !

Please help me find this episode :D

Best regards from France :)

Re: Please help me ! I've been looking for the name of this episode for years !

Sorry, Philidor, that's not a "Columbo" episode. Maybe someone will recognize it as the plot from another cop or detective show. There was an episode with a complex arrangement to fake the time of the shooting, which did involve a dropping marker-pen (and a record player, and a heavy dictionary, and a splib, and an umbrells), although it didn't really work the way you describe -- that one was "The Bye Bye Sky High IQ Murder Case".

Re: Please help me ! I've been looking for the name of this episode for years !

Ted, I do think it's the BBSHIQMC she is referring too. Has to be.

Re: Please help me ! I've been looking for the name of this episode for years !

"The Bye-Bye Sky High IQ Murder Case" (1977) Season: 6, Episode - 3

Re: Please help me ! I've been looking for the name of this episode for years !

Thank you very much guys, you're genius and amazing fan of the Lieutenant Columbo. Even with my approximative description of the episode, you manage to find the right one ! I'm about to watch the BBSHIQMC right one !

Thank you all ! =)