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A Rediculous Trivia Question - Crucial Game, Port, Murder Under Glass

I read a trivia question recently on this forum and would like to ask one. Some will say that it is ridiculous and I think it is too. But I noticed this and hopefully it will be fun to think about.

What do Catch Me, Crucial Game, and Port In Any Storm have in common?

It has nothing to do with the characters or the plots. It is something we see. In Murder Under Glass it is referred to. There might be others where this thing is mentioned too but in the case of Murder Under Glass it is integral to the story. We might have seen it in other another episode or two, at the most, but I don't recall any.

So what do Catch Me, Crucial Game, and Port have in common?

Re: A Rediculous Trivia Question - Crucial Game, Port, Murder Under Glass

I'll take a guess, based on your hint: A wine-bottle opener?

Re: A Rediculous Trivia Question - Crucial Game, Port, Murder Under Glass

Great answer. I don't remember a wine bottle opener in crucial game but there could be one. There might be other similarities in these three episodes.

Re: A Rediculous Trivia Question - Crucial Game, Port, Murder Under Glass

In Catch and port there's a Rolls Royce but that doesn't tie into your comment about it being integral to Murder Under glass. I'm not sure about Most crucial game.

Re: A Rediculous Trivia Question - Crucial Game, Port, Murder Under Glass

You hint says "it has nothing to do with the characters", but the only common thread I can think of, is a NEWPHEW being killed by their aunt/uncle.

Your title asks relationship between "Crucial Game, Port, Murder Under Glass", but your question asks "What do Catch Me, Crucial Game, and Port In Any Storm have in common?"

All (4) episodes involve a NEPHEW. Only Port, Game, and Catch-me have the nephew being murdered.

Re: A Rediculous Trivia Question - Crucial Game, Port, Murder Under Glass

Ed we've waited SIX YEARS now for an answer.... PLEASE ?

Re: A Rediculous Trivia Question - Crucial Game, Port, Murder Under Glass

A safe?