The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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The Teeeee Thirty Three Silver Star

So what is your favorite Patrick McGoohan moment? And or episode? Obviously mine is when (and how) he says "The T-33 Silver Star." But his performance as snooty lawyer Oscar Finch is right up there too. List your favorite.

Re: The Teeeee Thirty Three Silver Star

there are many for me...and Dawn's Early Light is a flawless performance...I've mentioned this somewhere...but just the way he is laying and gets up from his his quarters..near the end of the episode...he says nothing...but u can sense a man under great strain....great actor

Re: The Teeeee Thirty Three Silver Star

That's easy. Loved the Oscar Finch character. As mentioned previously, that is my favorite non-70's episode.

Re: The Teeeee Thirty Three Silver Star

I love Identity Crisis, and just about every moment he's on screen. I think the low shot up at his face as he's standing over Leslie Nielsen just after whacking him is one of the best and most chilling in the series. McGoohan gets my vote for best acting by a Columbo guest star.

Re: The Teeeee Thirty Three Silver Star

for the record....every time I watch Identity Crisis from now on...the line Teee Thirty Three Silver Star will stand out even more.....

Re: The Teeeee Thirty Three Silver Star

Way to go Stefan!!

Re: The Teeeee Thirty Three Silver Star

Oscar Finch: "What O'Clock do you have?"

Nelson Brenner: "I respectfully request that you do not harass me".