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Murderer nationalities

I'm please to see that no less than 3 murderers in the series are Scottish. Ian Buchanan (Columbo Cries Wolf), Billy Connolly (Murder with too many notes), and Nicol Williamson (Dial a murder). Only American and English actors have appeared more.

Re: Murderer nationalities

Off the top of my head I remember the German engineer (Oskar Werner); the French chef, Paul Gerard; the two British actors in London; pseudo Canadian Ward Fowler (played by actual Canadian Shatner); Señor Montoya of Mexico; the Ambassador of the fictitious Arab nation; and southerner Tommy Brown.

No matter where they're from, if they commit murder Columbo is waiting to match wits and nab them. Even if he's on vacation and/or on foreign soil. And diplomatic immunity won't stop him.

Re: Murderer nationalities

One thing that's always confused me (and maybe it's meant to be a little unclear) is Emmett Clayton's nationality, which isn't mentioned any more than Tomlin Dudek's (even though you're pretty much meant to assume Dudek is Russian). Clayton is played by very British-sounding Laurence Harvey (yes, I know he was originally from Eastern Europe), but there's that scene where that one American reporter seems in awe of Dudek, and Clayton kids him about not being very patriotic. So that kind of suggests that Clayton himself is meant to be an American. So THE MOST DANGEROUS MATCH is kind of confusing when it comes to nationalities, maybe deliberately.

Re: Murderer nationalities

They have an American flag and a Soviet flag in the chess room when Clayton is "waiting" for Dudek to appear for the match.

Re: Murderer nationalities

I guess I never noticed.