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Re: HELP - 100 or more dumbest things murders did.

Irene DiMilo
Didn't Bart Kepple have to turn it on to record in order to tape over his narration? That's why I thought he turned it on. But yes, I agree, he should have turned it on earlier. Unless it was still rewinding during that earlier time, I'm not sure.

That's true, he would have had to record over it, but he also could have just switched the tape out after the viewing or told police he made a taped copy for his secretary to transpose into a script for his narrator. All in all, it's just a weird part of his scheme. One other thing that bothers me about this episode is the gun. Kepple uses a calibration converter to change the size of the ammunition, and we see him remove it and place it in the lamp, that's how Columbo catches him afterall. Columbo tells Kepple that all his guns were checked and that none of them had been fired and aren't even the right caliber. Now, I'm not a gun expert, but if Kepple used an automatic, wouldn't there have been powder residue on the ejection chamber? Also, unless it happens off screen, Kepple never removes the clip with the ammo and replaces it with an empty clip.

Re: HELP - 100 or more dumbest things murders did.

Yes, I had thought of that as well regarding the GSR. Also, I just watched it again last week, and the gun shot was so loud, that despite the film going on in the theater, someone would most certainly have heard the gunshot. He should have had a silencer to make it more believable. Even so, it's still a fantastic episode. Very clever story line, all the characters where great. And Robert Culp always made such a great murderer with that flair of cockiness about him. The golfing scene was fantastic!

Re: HELP - 100 or more dumbest things murders did.

It's one of my favorite episodes and one I always keep on my iPod Touch.