The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: Curious

McMillan And Wife was driven entirely by the on-screen chemistry of the two leads, and the strength of the supporting players. If you didn't like watching Rock and Susan interact with John Schuck and Nancy Walker for comic relief then you weren't going to be impressed. Script wise, the show was weak as I constantly see shows slowed by filler material meant to pad the length (two hour McMillans are especially weak).

Re: Curious

When i hear that original theme music from the mystery movies, it brings back memories.I still remember looking forward to the Columbo episodes. I must have been 10-11 years old . I remember my mom liked Macmillan and wife.

Re: Curious

I loved them all, from the cowboy/cop movies of McCloud and the whimsical whodunits of McMillan and Wife to Hec Ramsey's old west forensics, McCoy's elaborate con games, Amy Prentiss' pre-Closer/pre-Prime Suspect police suspense, Lanigan's Rabbi's comedy, and early Quincy melodrama. Of the Wednesday/Tuesday Mystery series, Banacek was my runaway favorite (what great impossible crime plots!), though the middle-aged private eye Tenafly is a sentimental favorite since I've e-mailed with James McEachin a few times. Great TV, great times.

Re: Curious

Here's a related question: Can you name the special, one-off episodes of the NBC Mystery Movie, both on the Sunday and Wednesday versions? There were several -- mostly failed pilots plus one successful one -- but only someone my age (55) or so could probably remember almost any of them.

Re: Curious

I find none of them hold up...though Dennis Weaver was was JD Cannon.
but script wise...nothing comes close,,,,different league altogether.

I think Falk's reputation as "difficult" is the key to that....insisted on quality and had a great team of writers for sure.

Columbo never seems dated except for a few occasional scenes...

Re: Curious

With a few exceptions the writing was truly fantastic. Very seldom has two episodes of the same series been nominated in the same year for Emmies, as was the writing of the first year.

These writers took care to make Columbo totally believable. Small things too, eg, winning a raffle, bowling league, Columbo belonging to the Holy Name Society which was a very nice touch.

I didn't know Peter Falk was difficult but I am glad he was.