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Murders that get Under Your Skin

There are several murderers that I could not wait to see caught, but a couple really stand out as real creeps.

1. Wesley Corman in Uneasy Lies the Crown. . Not only does he murder his wife's lover, but he tries to convince others that she, in her sickened condition, did it. A total creep.

2. Riley Greenleaf in Publish Or Perish. Not only does he try and convince folks that Eddie Kane did it, he then blows Kane up, leaving a host of clues in Kane's apartment (or whatever that dump was he lived in) pointing to him.

List a couple of your creepiest murderers.

Re: Murders that get Under Your Skin

That one is easy for me: Paul Galesko. He was arrogant, shot a likeable and innocent man, then calls Columbo "not very bright" right before Columbo nails him. Great scene at the end.

Re: Murders that get Under Your Skin

TRY AND CATCH ME and ANY OLD PORT both have killings right out of CASK OF AMONTILLADO (of course, in ANY OLD PORT there's an actual connection to it). And whether Edmund killed Phyllis or not, that makes them both pretty horrifying.

Re: Murders that get Under Your Skin

Riley Greenleaf is the type that I would have liked to see smacked around. Many many murderers are rude to Columbo but Greenleaf is consistently rude.
Dang, my mind is going and I can't think of that actors name. But he played the writer in season one and was totally contemptible, not only for killing his writing partner but poor Mrs. Lasanka.

Interestingly some believe that that actor was fairly contemptible in real life. When his son achieved fame in the Partridge Family the actor said, "I just hope I am in my son's will." Or words to that affect. Dummy didn't even say it privately.