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Re: Favorite "breaking point" confrontations between the victim and the murderer

I love the scene between Bertie and Oliver in the Bye Bye Sky High episode. There's a moment in the confrontation between the two, right after Oliver has finished chiding and tickling Bertie that Bertie calms down and almost seems as if he is about to forgive his friend. But then, Oliver just can't help himself and returns to tickling and grabbing at Bertie. Bertie realizes at this moment that Oliver will never change and that he will always be the subject of his bullying and his jokes. It confirms in his mind that he is going to end Oliver's embezzlement activities and bring an end to his years of torment. You are left with the feeling that if only Oliver would have stopped and took a look at what he was doing, Bertie would have calmed down and they would have worked something out. It's a wonderful moment and a wonderful scene.

I love the final scenes in this episode as well. The moment where Oliver tells his wife that he no longer needs her takes some of the edge of of his bullying and overbearing character and adds a touch of humanity.

Re: Favorite \"breaking point\" confrontations between the victim and the murderer

Even though he's already planning the murder, the obvious one between Hayden Danziger and Rosanna Wells is when he hits her, something a blackmail victim should never do to the blackmailer unless they're all set on murdering them right then and there!

I do have one big problem with that scene, and it's about the Rosanna line that actually causes it to happen. She simply tells him a little sarcastically to "be sensible." But a minute earlier when he says that "No two-bit singer" (or something like that) is going to jeopardize his business, she smiles and says "This one is."
It seems like THAT would be the line that makes him loses his cool, instead of the other one.

Re: Favorite \"breaking point\" confrontations between the victim and the murderer

One thing about the Bye Bye Sky High scene is that Oliver professes to have really loved Bertie, so you would think he would have been a bit more kind to Bertie considering that it would be his last moments alive.

One thing that always seemed odd about Oliver's preparation for the murder is that when he is setting up the umbrella upstairs prior to the murder, he is almost giddy, presumably with how clever his set up is. However, I find it hard to fathom that anyone who is about to murder their closest friend, or even the fact that they are about to cross the line into an unthinkable act no matter who the victim, would not be giddy - they would be nervous, contemplative, distressed, but not giddy.