The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

Thankyou very much for your help! :)

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

Glad I could help. I hope those are the right episodes.

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

I definitely didn't expect such a quick reply! I'm going to put the box set on my Christmas list haha and then watch those episodes to see! Thanks again :)

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

It's "A Deadly State of Mind". There are both the pool and the headlights scenes.

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

A Friend in Deed only involves someone throwing an already dead body in a pool from poolside. The scene from A Deadly State of Mind involves a girl jumping from a tall building toward a pool but she hits the ground.

The headlights one is a mystery A Deadly State of Mind does involve seeing headlights through a window but it isn't used to solve the crime. It's a just a "loose end" Columbo has to account for. His boss is very picky about these loose ends.

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

"Headlights" also played a major role in "Candidate For Crime," but there's no doubt in my mind that "Rachel" already knew that. Therefore, my message is, get a life MORON, and quit using this forum as a personal source of amusement!

In other words jerk off, who the f--k do you think you're kidding?

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

That is so rude! Who was that message aimed at? I was grateful for the episode info, I don't understand?

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

Rachel, do not respond to him. That's what trolls like, to be fed. Ignore, don't bring his bad baggage on board because then it becomes your bad baggage. Keep posting Rachel.

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

I agree we should answer this fool, this Jim Rockford. But at the same time I wish there was a moderator to remove his posts. As "messi" a few months ago he used profanity and as another poster he was blatantly anti sematic. Someone needs to take this idiot's post off this site.

Re: Is this a Columbo episode?

I'm a few years late to this post to witness "Jim Rockford's" Trolling.


I've read dozens of posts on this board and that's the first TROLL I've seen.

He did it again on a reply to 'DEAD WEIGHT HOUSE':
Just more proof that the average Columbo enthusiast is a lifeless moron.

IMDB didn't admit it, but I'm convinced that THIS CRAP (and excessive political / social commentary) is what killed the IMDB message boards. They were so active, fun, and informative after you ignored all the trolls.