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Re: Murderers who gave up too soon?

Murder Under Glass "I tried to kill you simply because you were getting on my nerves."

That one made me laugh out loud.

Re: Murderers who gave up too soon?

Excellent list, David, but the Death Lends a Hand one could also have gone like this:

Brimmer: "I lost my own contact lens and was looking for it."
Columbo: "OK, show us the prescription." (And not one for Murder :) )
Brimmer: "Hommina hommina hommina"

Re: Murderers who gave up too soon?

David, that was a masterful summary of "Columbo loopholes". I just want to comment on one of them:

Dagger of the Mind "Columbo put the pearl there" (Actually attempted).

It's always been my impression that Columbo had no intention of letting the pearl be used in evidence -- he promptly and candidly 'fesses-up that it was a plant. The final "clue" in this case is the confession.

There is ample precedent for cops deceiving a suspect to get a confession, and it is considered fair and legal. Probably the "oldest trick in the book" is the cop telling a guy "Your buddy already told us all about it, and he says you were the trigger-man, so you might as well talk to us."

I think that "Any Old Port" presents a similar situation, where Columbo's "clue" is hardly conclusive, but serves well enough (together with Adrian's fear of marriage!) to get a confession.

"I only confessed because I mistakenly thought there was good proof of what I did," is not much of a defense.