The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Re: Forum Has Slowed

Haven't heard about that, Martin! If I get any news, I'll be glad to post. There have been some new Columbo books self-published (or so I would guess) as Kindle books, which fans can find on Amazon. I read a couple of them, and they were good fan observations.

Re: Forum Has Slowed

Thanks. I wonder if it isn't an Amazon self-production. I wrote synopsis/reviews for Murder Under Glass, Murder, Smoke and Shadows, and Columbo Cries Wolf, as well as the piece on Columbo's successors featuring Robert Goren, Monk, The Closer, The Mentalist, and (bear with me) House, so I'd like to know. Kernohan hasn't written me back since I posted the prior comment, so maybe it just failed.

Re: Forum Has Slowed

We all miss Cass a lot

Re: Forum Has Slowed

Guilty as charged Fred. Admittedly I am in that 'miss Carleen' bracket as the reason I haven't posted as much. I guess that's why the likes of headache, walt etc, haven't posted much either. Also, too, I haven't watched too many Columbo's of late either. Take a hiatus to freshen up my collection! I will try extra hard, I promise, to pop in more often and contribute.

Re: Forum Has Slowed

Hi Rob! Not to talk out-of-school or anything, but I'm afraid Headache took it especially hard. I suggested offline that he might think about putting together a little collection of his favorite "Best of Cassa and Headache" exchanges from the Forum archives, and we could add it to the site as an article/tribute, but I don't think he was up for it. I hope he's feeling better.

Re: Forum Has Slowed

Headache please return even if it's just to say hi! We care about you!

Re: Forum Has Slowed

I watch Columbo reruns after holiday season in winter. I have mainly been posting on Columbo podcast site. Have not lost interest at an aside, idea of anyone other than Falklands as Columbo is blasphemous. As a further aside, I think one of the funniest movies ever made is In-Laws with Falk and Alan Arkin. Priceless!