The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Old Port in a Storm

Did anyone find it odd that Adrian suddenly had a station wagon to take his wine to the ocean? Are we to assume it was a "pool car" of the winery? Certainly doesn't look like Adrian's kind of car to own personally.

Re: Old Port in a Storm

he didn't want to ruin his Rolls Royce by putting those bottles of liquid filth in it. So he borrowed Karen's station wagon. That's my theory.

Re: Old Port in a Storm

That whole show was just so preposterous with the weather and the wine. Temp of 46F and rainy one day and what was it, 109 a couple of days later? And how, in what looked like a cave, did the temp go so high inside? I'm no wine expert but the whole weather/temperature thing was just too contrived.

Still a great episode! You got the impression Falk and Pleasance really enjoyed working with each other.

Re: Old Port in a Storm

Yes, I never could did find that believable. Also, if Rick came to a bit, you'd think he could have managed to get help. Despite all of the holes, you can still go with it and enjoy. And Pleasance' acting was one of the things I loved. His anger towards his brother and his pretentiousness were fantastic.

As for the car, I picture Karen in something a little smaller and more economical, so I'm going with the pool car to run errands and business trips for the winery for the employees:)