The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: Funny Columbo quips.

Have not heard these. Have the Complete Series now and will listen for them. They are hilarious. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Funny Columbo quips.

Soooo Columbo.

Re: Funny Columbo quips.

Another one of my favorites fittingly comes from A Stitch In Crime where Columbo and Mayfield are talking about the roommate Marcia and Mayfield suggests that maybe she knows more than she's saying and Columbo replies "actually sir I think she knows less than she's saying"


Nita Talbot who played Marcia was once married to Don Gordon who played Alvin Deschler in Negative Reaction.

Re: Funny Columbo quips.

That's very interesting since I've always liked both of them.

Re: Funny Columbo quips.

I love the line in Murder Under Glass when Paul Gerard asks why Columbo thinks Vittorio was in some kind of trouble, and Columbo replies:
"Mainly because he was murdered, sir. The two, trouble and murder, they seem to go together. At least that's been my experience, sir."

Re: Funny Columbo quips.

Another one from Candidate For Crime

Hayward "What's being done lieutenant?"

Columbo "So far sir we don't have anything ... officially"

Hayward "and unofficially?"

Columbo "Unofficially we don't have anything either"

Re: Funny Columbo quips.

From Port:

"Maybe he got cold feet. Has he been married before?"

"Three times."

"Three times. Well his feet should be warmed up by now."

Re: Funny Columbo quips.

From Mayhem:

Steven Spelberg: "What's your dog's name?"

Lt.: "Aww, he doesn't have a name. We just call him 'dog' or 'hey you'. What's the difference, he don't come when you call him anyway."

Re: Funny Columbo quips.

A great Colomboism.