Comprehension would help, eh?
Point Sur '71-73, Adak '74-75. Then returned to Iowa State University and spent a couple months identifying all of the plants I collected and pressed while on Adak (future story for The Cable) and eventually published 2 papers on the plants (134 species), lichens, liverworts, and mosses of Adak and a book on the diatoms (algae) on the island. Masters degree in 1977 from Rutgers, then started work at Water & Air Research (an employee owned environmental consulting firm) in Gainesville, FL for the last 31 years. Currently manage several water quality projects and identify algae in samples from around the world. Looked at over 2,000 samples from the North Atlantic; North Pacific; Gulf of Alaska; Arabian, Sargasso, and Barents Seas; the Sea of Okhotsk; and the Canary Basin (places sound familiar) in the 1980 for bioluminescent organisms (think satellites and our targets of interest). About 5 - 10 years ago our company had a contract with the Navy to write EA and EIS documents for base closures and realignments. It was interesting being back at NTC Great Lakes and Key West as a civilian.
Married since 1979 with 2 daughters, one now in High Point, North Carolina and one in Jacksonville, Florida.
In my spare? time I keep busy growing and hybridizing amaryllis (more than 10,000 in our yard) and assorted other flowering plants, collect fossils and collect, cut, and polish rocks, and enjoy being outdoors. Still in great health, but had a walnut-sized benign nerve-sheath tumor removed from my neck about 2 years ago (2" section of the C4 nerve sacrificed). Little scary with all the possible complications that could have happened but amazingly everything still functions - even with the section of nerve missing!
Retired on the Kings Point Patio, NOB, Bermuda in August 1986. NUWC wanted to hire me for a new
position at the Surface Ship ASW Analysis Center (SSAAC), Mayport, FL but, due to a hiring freeze I went to work for Sonalyst INC in Waterford, CT. In September 1987 NUWC hired me and I started my civilian Government career at the NUWC office in New London, CT. I worked on varioius Sonar projects of which one was the SQQ-89 OBT sonar suite.
Finally I was transfered to the SSAAC site in Mayport where I was the only civilian and responsible for training junior ST's in the art of acoustic analysis as well as analyzing play back data and solving maintenance issues. I was there for the duration. After 1 1/2 years ASW became a dirty word and the position was eliminated. After much discussion I was transferred to NUWCDET AUTEC staff in West Palm Beach, FL.
I was initially assigned to the Towed Array division where politics took over and I finally went to work as the Safety and Environmental Manager????? When the Towed Array division was moved to Little Creek, VA, I moved over to the
AUTEC building as an Environmental Engineer.
I was responsible for ensuring that the contractor were in compliance to all EPA Environmental rules and International
Environmental laws with the appropriate application to both Andros Island, Bahamas and in West Palm Beach FL. The job was fantastic and rewarding. Much like the ORI teams mission there was training, drills, testing and monthly contractor evaluations.
By 1999 Linda and I decided to do a tour on Andros. Since I had been spending two or more weeks a month on the base anyway it made good sense.
In 2004 we returned to CONUS.
In September 2007 I had 20 years with NUWC, was a GS-12/10 with little or no chance to advance so we began pondering when or if we should completely retire. I put in my paperwork and retired on 31 January, 2008. We spent 41 years in the Government in one form or another, and have been
married 43 years. We raised two daughters and enjoy 4 grand sons. Two live near us in Jupiter, Fl, and two live in Morro Bay, CA.
I tried in 1985 to get into NUWC while I was working across the river at Electric Boat. Because I didn't know if I could devulge what I did as an OT, the interview was rather brief. Maybe if I'd stayed active long enough (I would have had to extend 6 months) to put on my E-5 stripe, they might have considered me, but alas, no dice...
Small world!
Please send along your e-mail if you have one to me at I found a couple of old watchbills from NAVFAC Bermuda circa 1974/75 with your name on them.
Same Chuck from BARPT '73 along with BAGMAN Watkins and Robin Hood?? Rather late in replying but I get to the site less often than I'd like. I see a number of familiar names, though regretably some have passed... I retired 1993 Dam neck after 20...J Dougherty
Hey Chuck!
I was at the SSAAC Lab working for Pulau. I came upon this site on a curiosity search for the Lab. I'm working on Flight Sims in Cherry Point these days. Hope you are still doing well.
Tim Snead
Following my tour as CSO at COSP ('85-'88) came to Tallahasse as CO of NROTC at Florida A&M University and Florida State University. Retired in 1991 after 38.5 years of active duty. Immediately took a position with a state department as Bureau Chief of Operations, regulating Florida's 31 pari-mutuel wagering facilities, i.e., five horseracing tracks, 20 greyhound racing tracks, 5 jai-alai frontons, and 12 poker cardrooms. Yeah, I know, really applied all of my IUSS and aviation experience in that position.
Retired from the state in 2006, spent a year painting everything around the house that did not move. The "honey-do" list was groweing exponentially, so I came back to state government, this time as a Government Operations Consultant, conducting operational performance audits of Florida's early education programs, i.e., birth to five years age, a $1.2 billion program.
Will probably do this for a couple of more years and then really retire. That is, if the Florida Legislature does not implement what it is considering - terminating sll "double-dippers". Only time will tell.
Well, following my retirement from the Navy in 1993, I ended up in the Logistics business in Knoxville, TN. Initially hired for my management, training, and safety background I soon found myself right in the middle of operations and was promoted to Ops Mngr. What a surprise!?! Followed another opportunity and ended up as a Distribution Facility Mngr for Georgia-Pacific in Birmingham, AL.
In 1998 I was hired by UPS and have been there since running distribution operations for Honeywell, IBM, and Sprint in; Cincinatti, Europe, and now Louisville respectively. My 3 1/2 year assignment in Europe was great as I ended up working in 15 different countries and rolling out an entire distribution network for IBM as the Project Implementation Mngr.
My return to the states in 2007 brought it's own adventure as I was diagnosed with colon cancer in Nov. Admitted the same day, I had surgery and follow on chemo and radiation treatments for months. Two weeks ago, I was cancer free for my first 6 month follow up. It is certainly good to be alive! If any of you ever need a 'buddy' to help get you through, let me know. I've been there and am more than happy to help support others going down that road.
Kids are well. Chris is a teacher in Birmingham at a private school. Randi has just returned home from a year in Iraq and is a Firefighter/EMT/HazMat/Homeland Defense guy and Ben (HM2 FMF)is at Camp Pendleton following a deployment with the MEU.
As for Sue, she is enjoying watching our 2 grandsons grow and become some pretty cool little guys. Wyatt is 7 now and Walt is 2. It doesn't get much better than that. Next step is the next retirement and believe me, I am planning that now as you read.
I am still active duty at just shy 27 years. Was an OTA for 15 years. I was selected for MECP in 95, completed by BSN in 97 and was commissioned as an ENS in the Navy Nurse Corps. CDR Wilcher was kind enough to perform my commissioning ceremony. I was picked up as LCDR in 07 and decided not to retire. I applied for the Duty Under Instruction program and was selected to attend graduate school at Uniformed Services University in Bethesda to complete my masters in nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner. I am finishing up my first year with one more to go. Jeff and Meagan stayed behind in Virginia Beach while I finish up here. Jeff continues his work at Portsmouth Naval Medical Center. He takes care of all supplies for 3 main OB wards and really likes his job. Meagan is completing her first year at TCC and is doing well. She will be 19 in a few days....WOW where did the time go. I am still trying to sell her on nursing. Time is ticking and we are calling for orders soon. Hoping for a final tour in Europe. I will retire some day!! See you all at the 55th.
After retiring from Brawdy in 1989 I moved to Kelowna, British Columbia and bought a "hobby" farm of approximately 12 acres. The first year there a fellow followed me home (I was on my tractor towing a hay baler) and he asked me if I did custom work. Said I had not up to that time but would help him out. By the time I quit farming in 2000 I was farming about 200 acres of leased land from which I baled about 12,000 bales per year and did another 5-8,000 bales of custom work. Quite a "hobby"
In 2000 we moved to Williamsburg, VA to "escape" the socialism and taxes of Canada. Retirement lasted about 30 days and my wife told me to get off my "butt" and get a job because I was driving her crazy. I decided to utilize my training as a TPO and Training Officer and apply as a substitue teacher. I began working as a substitute teacher in the fall of 2000 and in the spring of 2001, because of a teacher with a broken leg, took over her business class as a long term sub. The leg did not heal and in the fall I was hired as a full time teacher. I completed what I needed to complete of ODU's career switcher program to qualify for my VA state teachers license. I am still teaching keyboarding, Digital Input, and Introduction to Technology Fundamentals. I love teaching and will miss it when I retire.
My oldest son Shawn (ex-ET (nuc) spent 16 years in the Navy, Made CPO in 6 1/2 years, and then, because of lack of billets could advance no farther. He got out of the Navy, joined the VA National Guard, received a commision, spent a year in Iraq in 2006, and is currently stationed ar Bagram Airbase in Afganistan with the 376th Eng. Batt. He's only been there about 3 weeks. Oldest daughter Lynn lives in Manassas Va and in Aug. had her first baby. Son Marc lives in Calif. and is currently single with no children
With all my step children, I have 18 grandchildren ranging in age from 22 years to 6 months. Most of them live in British Columbia, but my youngest daughter lives here in Williamsburg and has a little boy 13 months old. My wife baby sits him and it is truly a blessing to have a little child around the house again.
When not teaching, I spend time playing golf and working in my wood shop. I enjoy making mainly furniture and my kids keep me busy with their projects.
In any case, hope to see some of you at Cheatam Annex in May and hope to see many more of you at the 55th.
I think this is great.
I joined the Navy in 1981 as an OTSN and was assigned to Point Sur on the lovely coast of California. The time there was awsome, like totally. Left there in 1983 as OTA2 and headed to Bermuda. Like anywhere, there are good and bad memories of Bermuda. In 1986, transferred to NOSC San Diego on Point Loma. Now this was a different type of duty, Test software programs and travel.
In 1989, decided to leave Active duty and join the Reserves. The only billet they had then was a BU2, there were no OTA billets in the reserves at that time. In Aug 89, finally made 1st after several times of taking the test. My Resesrve Billet was then changed to BM1, still no OTA billets.
In 1991, they finally had OTA billets. All the NavFacs were assigned a Reserve Unit, my first one was CUS. After near 6 months of never meeting the unit, as the unit had not been formed, I decided to move back to the Tampa Bay area and join the NAVFAC KEF unit. Danny George & I were the plankowners of that unit. Since they needed additional personnel in the unit, they had assigned: ET's, GM's, SK's, YN's and the only 2 OTA's. This made for a very interesting AT to Kef. In 1994, I made Chief, OTAC.
We continued going to Kef, until they gave us the bad news that the NAVFAC was closing. That was a very sad day for all of us. At that time, CDR Donovan was the CO and you could tell he was also sad.
After KEF closed, we began traveling to JMF St Mawgan. Wow, what a place, who would of ever thought we would work in the dirt pile. During this time, we were merged with the STG's.
On 11 September 2001, you know what happened, all Reservists were put on alert to stand by.
In Apr 2003, I had ADSW (Active Duty Special Work) orders to Special Operations Command Central, HQ US CENTCOM. I was put in charge of their Command Engineering/Logistics dept. Then in Nov 2003, was assigned to US Special Operations Command. I have been here ever since working in various jobs.
Well, I will be saying fairwell to several friends in the next few weeks as I head to JAX for Demobilization, then in September I will say Good-bye to the Navy. After 28 years, it's time to hang my hat up and start looking toward the future.
I will still be in the Tampa Bay area, so if your ever in the area, let me know via email.
Wendy Craven
Hi Wendy, I was stationed at USCENTCOM from 2005-2008 in the J3. I left in January and reported to Guam on USNS LUMMUS. I'll probably be retiring myself. I wanted to stay in Tampa and retire, but I could not take much more of the Army dominated mentality in J3 so I asked to Detailer to transfer me early. This laid back island lifestyle is so much better, but like I said, I do miss the social aspects of being in Tampa, St. Pete, Clearwater areas.
Following retirement in 1992, I started and ran a screen printing business in Placentia, NFLD. 3 years later after the base closed and the cod moratorium, we closed up shop and moved to MD where my brother was living at the time. Spent a couple of years adapting vans and vehicles for people in wheelchairs. I then got a job supporting the SPAWAR FTAS program for 5 years. I then spent 2 years planning, executing and reconstructing ASW exercise for the US, Canadian, German and Italian Navys. I was offered an opportunity to go to work supporting COMOPTEVFOR as a Operational Test Engineer. I have been doing that for the last 7 years. We still have a house and cabin in Placentia and hope to spend 6 months there (in the SUMMER) and then 6 months somewhere in the South. One son is married and is in Afganistan and the other son lives and works in St John's. Looking forward to fully retiring in the not too distant future.
Hi how is the wife its been 20 years since i left home been back twice for a couple of days each time i talked to vince greene about two years ago other than that i have not talked to Joe or Ken or any of the other folks back home talk again soon
mike young aka micky
After retiring from active duty in 1987, I worked a while as a bricklayer, (too much like work) and then went to work for GEGS, SURTASS, I did 8 months in Italy as CTF-66 liason, then a few months traveling back and forth to Hawaii and Japan training Surtass crews. After a 90 day deployment on one of the ships to the N. Pacific in sea state 5, I decded to give up that job. I came back to Moyock, NC, and became a Deputy Sheriff for the next 6 years and got my degree in Criminal Justice. Then a position for Magistrate/Judge became available and I applied and was selected for that job. I've been doing that now for the past 12 years. Still married to Deb and have three grandchildren.
Nice idea, Jim!
I retired in 91 and we stayed here in Virginia Beach. I spent 11 years in real estate; selling, buying, flipping, etc, then got my Class A Contractors License in 02. Since then my son and I have been partners building new homes within walking distance of the beach. We sub out about 90% of the work but do the remainder ourselves and we've had a really good (but busy) time together. The past 2-3 years have been very tough but it seems to be picking up some lately- we just sold a house that wasn't quite finished so the interest meter wasn't too bad this time around :) Chris is my agent so we've kept alot of things in the family. All three kids are out of college, married and have produced 6 beautiful grandkids, ranging from 11 years to 2. (the 2 year old is Randall III; how cool is that??) Everybody lives within 5 minutes of each other so we have been blessed even more in that regard. My other undertaking right now is writing a book. It's a historical novel based on my family, which I recently traced back to the later 1700's here in Virginia. (I put this plug in for before on here, but if you ever want to learn more about your roots you need to try absolute treasure of information)
Anyway, I'm babbling. Everybody take care!
I left the Navy in '94 after tours in Kef and NOPF Dam Neck. Came back to western NC and used the GI bill for school. I completed a Pastry Apprenticeship after school and have worked as a baker, chef, and restaurant manager. I currently work at the Biltmore in Asheville as a Purchasing Analyst (can't get away from that word!) Which means I handle the purchasing for all six restaurants/outlets on the property plus our inn. It also means I have a relatively 9-5 in the food biz, which is great.
I had met my husband Brian 20+ years ago in Basic Training. And eight years ago he found me online. God bless the internet! He served aboard the USS Saratoga during Desert Shield/Storm. His two boys moved here with us when they were 12 and 13. They graduated from my old high school here in Hendersonville. Joseph is in the Army National Guard living in Mississippi. He will be deploying to Afganistan soon. Brian Anthony is a freshman at Western Carolina University.
We purchased a smaller house last year and in the process of a renovation. Noisy but fun.
Life is busy and full, just the way I like it.
Transfered to fleet reserve in late Oct 89 at Centerville Beach Ca. Moved to Biloxi, Ms. Went to work as an aquarium specialist at Marine Education Center in Biloxi, Ms. Hurricane Katrina completely erased the aquarium (nothing left except a concret slab) so now I am working at Lowe's as a customer
sales associate in the hardware department.
Retired in 1994, and just before retiring I got married to SURTASS Mission Sup, who got transferred to Norfolk. ******** and moaning the whole way, we moved to the Norfolk area. He quit sailing on the ships 9 months later. I took a couple of years off, to breed West Highland White Terriers (Terrors to be more precise). After which I decided to go back to work. Started off doing jewelry sales, until I realized I was spending more than I was bringing in. Then an opportunity opened up at USACOM (now JFCOM) to be a government contractor as an Assistant Information Systems Security Manager. Then the Navy decided to embark on this little project called Navy/Marine Corps Intranet. I signed on as their vulnerability assessment lead, or "scan queen" as they called me. Did that for a couple of years, then moved over to NASA. Then back to working with NMCI under SPAWAR as the SE region IA representative for the transition to SIPRNET. Lost the contract and moved on to NETWARCOM as a contractor performing the IA services for the Allied and Coalition Networks. This in turn proved have too much decision making responsibilities that a contractor can not make, so I was converted to civil service under SPAWAR Atlantic. On my fifth year with this program now. I get to travel a lot to our partner's neck of the woods, and it is extremely interesting work. Been married for 15 years now, totally enjoying life together with our four Westies. For hobbies, we enjoy making stain glass and glass fusing. Hubs would say I enjoy buying brand new houses and remodeling them, and collecting cars. All in all, no complaints here.
Nice to see old friends on here, Well Retired OTAC and got my Computer Engineering degree and purchased a large Computer Service company who designes Touch Screen computers for restaurants like you may see in your area at, Wendys, Burger King, Ruby Tuesdays and thousands more. Thought I was bored so i purchsed a small chain of restaurants here in Maryland and West virginia. Kids are grown and Im now a grandpa and loving every minute of it.
After 8 years I left the Navy in 1994 and moved back to Indiana. I took a job at a Wal-Mart Distribution Center in Seymour, Indiana intending to work there until I finished school. As it turned out I enjoyed it so much I stayed and spent about 11 years there in the Receiving Office at a variety of positions.
In 2007 I leapt at an offer to join Wal-Mart's Central Transporation Office at the brand new grocery distribution center in Gas City, Indiana. It's a big challenge serving 130+ stores in 5 states but I enjoy it very much and have had a lot of success since I've been here.
On the personal side, I married my lovely wife Cheryl in 1999, celebrating 10yrs! Unfortunately we have not been blessed with any children so we do our best to spoil our nephews and neices rotton.
If I've made a name for myself in anyway since leaving the Navy it's that of an Indiana High School Basketball historian/photographer/writer.
During the basketball season I do a little bit of freelance photography focusing mainly on smaller schools who normally don't get a lot of attention from the press.
During the basketball 'off season' I make several trips a year around the state to photograph and sometimes write short biographies of older and/or former high schools and gymnasiums for various websites.
If it works, I pasted a link to a collection of my photos at the top of this posting. You can also see my work on YouTube. The one that's gotten the most attention is titled 'Old High Schools and Gyms of Indiana'
I have a lot of photo's from Brawdy 1988-94. Once the basketball season wraps up at the end of March I'll have to sort through them and post a few up for you all.
Checked out your sites and they are a class act all the way. You did a great job.
I entered the SOSUS Comunity as an ET1 in Aug of 1969 as an instructor in the maintenance course behind the "Green Doors". I had never even heard of the System till I got to Fleet Sonar School in Key west but I learned real quick that I had found my true home. I made ETC in May of 1970. When the OT rating came out I applied for and was allowed to convert to OTC. I served at 3 NAVFACS, Antigua 74-75, Hatteras 76-79 and Kef 79-82.
I went to work at a farm feed and supply store til 1984. I used my GI Bill to get my BSA Degree majoring in Accounting and graduated in Dec of 1987. I graduated in the to 10% of my class and no one would hire me because of my age (50). Started my own practice and in Jan of 91 I went to work with the IRS.
I left them at the end of 91 and reopened my private practice. I didn't get rich but I didn't go broke either. I kept it a one man practice. I retired again in 2004 to spend more time with my family. Fredna and I have two daughters, three grand kids and 2 great gandsons ages 1 and 3. In 2008 I gave my 3 year old great grandson a rod and reel and took him for his first fishing trip. He caught 9 catfish, 5 of them keepers. Now shipmates that is what retirement is all about.
Hello all. Great to see some familiar names from 4 IUSS tours (COSP/NOPF, Whidbey, Kef, and Yokosuka). After 20 good years I retured in 2004. These days I am very busy as a high school teacher (NJROTC) at Seneca Valley HS in Germantown, MD. It's a real pleasure being part of one of the best school systems in the country. Take care everyone! Sue
I was lucky to start at Kef in '75 (Thanks Robin Hood, Bob Wisdom, John Piwko, Randy Scott, Jim Wheeler, Jerry Lilly, and others) then the OSSD in NOSC San Diego, OPS at Adak, and PME-124 Special Projects. Had a disagreement with my second CO at NOPF Ford Island and found myself no longer part of the system. Spent a tour at OPTEVFOR, and EUCOM HQ, Stuttgart Germany where I met my wife. Closed NSGA Skaggs Island and retired to Puget Sound in '94. Trained teachers and staff on computers and then wrote databases for a manufacturing company. Now live near Port Angeles WA and love the country. Have a small business and three dogs. For those that remember my ex-wife she became one of the first 5 women NFOs and was a reserve Capt the last time l looked. Having seen quite a bit of the other Navy I can honestly say there was no part better then the IUSS system and the people who served within it.
After graduating from FSS 12/75 I was transferred to NAVFAC Centerville Beach, 1976-1978. Worked at COSL where in 1979 I was selected as a Geophysics Officer(1800). My wife Carol received a direct commission as an Aerospace Physiologist(LTJG) and we were both stationed at NAS Jacksonville-1979-1982. I was the Ops Officer at the Naval Oceanography Command Facility there. From Jax we went to NAS Pax River where I was the OIC of the Oceanography Command Detachment. Finished up my Navy career at the Naval Observatory where I worked as Navigation Officer on the GPS project. After the Navy I worked as a NYS Conservation Officer and I retired a few years ago. I am in the Army Reserve still and will retire in about 8 months with 33 years. I live on my farm in the Allegany Mountains of Western NY now about 60 miles south of Rochester. Have you heard from any of the guys from our AOCS class? It was good to read about your Navy career and get an update on you after all these years. Do you have any info on the guys from our class that went to NAVFACs- Jim Deaver(Midway), Steve Canale(Adak) and Eddie Torres(Cape Hatteras)
You can contact me directly at Jim
Well, I was the last OPSO at Adak, and then took orders to Naval Air Reserve Center, Minneapolis, where I planned on retiring after a short, 2 year tour. The only black shoe there, I was made Training Officer for 1400 Airdales, enlisted and officer. A real learning experience. Two years turned in to three, and then I made the LCDR promotion list, but could not retire with it unless I spent another couple years in uniform. I took orders to the Recruiting District in Mpls-St Paul, and just before transfer, was changed to OIC of PSD Minneapolis. Had a good time there, learning all the things I had always avoided (Admin, Pay, Legal, etc.) as an Ops-type guy. Ended up doing 22 years active by the time I retired in 1998. Just before punching out, I called my detailer and had verbals to Belgium (SHAFE), but the family nixed that and I put in my papers. Immediately got a job with Polk County (WI) as a County Veteran Service Officer (CVSO), working with veterans. Have done that for the last 10+ years and enjoy the hell out of it. Both daughters have graduated college now, and both have kids! Alice is married to an Air Force B52 Navigator (Josh), and Anna (my Irag combat vet!)is working as a probation and parole officer for the state of Wisconsin. Chris, my Welsh bride of 31 years now is doing fine, enjoying Grammahood to the max. I play bass in a rock and roll band ( am in the process of restoring a 67 Mustang. We are avid bikers (HD type) and spend most of the limited good weather up here on the scooter. Life is good, and I have no complaints. If anyone is up near NW Wisconsin, give us a call at (715)268-4310. Door is wide open to all of you!
Hello shipmates
After Adak [73] and CVB to [77] I worked for awhile as a machinist in St Paul Mn. I barely survived the 1981 tornado that went through the Twin Cities. Then in 83 I got married to Lisa and started with the U.S Postal Service as a carrier. After 25 years I’m still in love with the same woman and still working for the U.S.P.S. as a mechanic on the mail processing equipment. We have two boys , Sean who is in the marines and stationed in Irwakuni Japan ,and Jesse who just graduated high school last year and can’t seem to find his calling yet. Otherwise we like to fish and hunt in our spare time and do some traveling. We are fortunate to be in good health and hope this find you and yours likewise. Just so many friends and so many miles
Barry, OTAC, retired in June '85 a couple of days later we were heading for Oregon. We went back to Silverton, the town he grew up in, also the town that his dad's side of the family helped settle back in the 1850's. He decided to work for a Landscaper for awhile until he could figure out what he really wanted to do when he grew up! He settled on heating and cooling (HVAC) with a company here in town. The company has since moved to south of Salem to Aumsville. And he has been the supervisor for HVAC for the last 10 years. Duty stations: Barbados, Bermuda(twice), Coos Bay, Newfoundland, FLTASW "A" SCHOOL at Key West and than help them to move up to Norfolk, lastly COSL.
As for myself, the Navy said I had to get out due to a knee injury that I sustained in Bermuda. So I left in July of '84. I waited till we moved back to Oregon to use my VA education money. I graduated from Oregon State University in '90 with a degree in Zoology (Cell Biology). The summer of '89 I fell into a job with the Oregon Zoo in Portland as a keeper. By the end of the August they asked me to stay. Since the medical research jobs in Portland at that time were hard to come by I spent the next 2 1/2 years at the zoo. It was a great time but as the way of life things change. I than moved on to clinical prenatal and cancer genetics. After spending 4 years there, the chance to move into medical research was a welcome move. I have spent the last 15 years at the Portland VA in 2 different labs. At the beginning of this year I was offered a job back down at Oregon State University, still in medical research. My duty stations were: Eluthera('78-80), Bermuda(80-82) and FLTASW "A" School('82-84)
All the stories of where everyone is were a great read. Thanks!
I finished my career at NAWC TSD Orlando as a STGCM after 26 years. I managed the Acoustic Training and Simulation (ATaS) database for all acoustic trainers. I managed to parlay my experience into a Civil Service position in Orlando and kept that going for a couple of years.
I have recently moved on and accepted the job as the Scientific & Technical Liaison Officer (STILO) at NSWC Panama City FL. Kind of strange because PC is where I grew up and went to High School. The beach has gotten a little wilder or maybe I have mellowed out some. Thinking about starting a "Geezers Gone Wild" series. What a long strange trip it's been!
The STILO gig is really cool because I am the link pin between the Intelligence Community and the Scientists and Engineers. I have learned a lot about Mine Warfare and have gamefully employed my experiences in IUSS.
I have three kids, William (25), Morgan (16) and Sam (4). I have a child every decade whether I need one or not. Gretchen and I will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary this May.
Glad to see all the updates...Thanks Capt D!!
congrats on ur 20th Chris, u onle have me by a year.It sounds like ur doing great Chris and i'm very happy for u. I'm retired now (since 2004 when I was diagnosed with Parkinsons most of my days r fishing.....I also Captain a 50ft Chris Craft for a i still have some fun...r u going to the 55th aniv party?
Since retirement in 1999, I've settled in South Georgia near Waycross. I went to work in a local manufacturing plant as a shift supervisor and production scheduler which lasted until Jun 2004 when the plant was closed down. I then went to work in another manufacturing plant in Valdosta for about 10 months and then I received a letter from the Post Office for a job interview. I've worked for the Post Office since May '95 and enjoy it, except for the 150 mile round-trip commute to work.
Janet and I have been married for 25 years come September and are expecting our first grand-child (a girl) on or around July 18.
Hey Ray, next time you make it up to the megagopolis of Macon, give me a call. I work down there T, W, Th. in the office of Dr. Darryl Lee, Chiro on Vineville.
Just HOW did Waycross get its name?
I read something in the Waycross Journal Herald that when a train passenger was asked about the town, they were told it was "Way across there"....
I retire in Sept 2001, after 22 years of Navy service and many memorable tours on both coasts. Just to find the true challenge in life is job hunting. I did a short stint at Lockheed Martin. From there, I changed career paths to Information Security, which my first stop was at PWC Norfolk for a year, followed by 3 years at JFCOM J9, where I was the network security lead. Next career change, I took a Senior Systems Engineer position supporting the War fighter with Full Motion Video from UAVs. I am currently on my 2nd, yearlong deployment in Iraq. I will have to note most everything that I have experience over here, I will have start by saying “You are not going to believe this _____“.
It is really good to read and see how everyone is doing.
Take care
Today, I'm in London. This weekend back to DC.
Let's see...I was an OTA from 1987-1998. Got out went to ODU for my BSBA 2003. Joined the US Dept. of State Foreign Service 2004.
I've been to: Pakistan, The Netherlands, Iceland,and Iraq.
Currnetly I am a member of the Secretary of State's Mibile Coomunications team. We travel to where she goes to provide communications support. I'll be on this detail until Sept, then back to Pakistan for 1 year. The kids are almost all grown up. William is now 24, Crystal is 17 and graduates this year, and Chris is 15. My husband retired last year after 20 years. Where did the time go?
Alive and well and living in Manteno, Illinois. Retired and playing lots of Golf. Oldest son (chuck) is a GM-14. Brian is a LCDR at Little Creek and Nancy lives in VA Beach. Been married 47 years and enjoying it. Good to read some of the postings here. Keeps me informed out here in Farmland USA. Hope to see all in Sept at the 55th.
I was an OTA from 1980-90. got out after being in Arg, Brawdy, teaching A school and NOSC. It was a great 10 years. I ended up being a nurse because of a broken ankle. I had stayed in the reserves in a MIUW and went back on AD as a nurse in 1995. I was at Bethesda, Yokosuka, Bethesda, Yokosuka. I retired Mar 07. I finally married in 2001 and have a son, aged 6 and two beautiful adopted Japanese daughters, ages 3 and 4. My husband is an Info Warfare guy and we are currently at the War College in Newport. Hopefully we will be going to England in the fall. The thought brings back so many memories of Brawdy and I will surely visit if we get to England. I am a stay-at-home mom now. It is the hardest and best job ever. They keep you young. I am going to run a half marathon on May 3rd. Hope I don't keel over. I have a Newfoundland puppy named Harriet. It is beautiful and sunny today here which is great. We already went down to play in the water off Fort Adams. I am on Facebook. I really loved being an OT, it changed my life and world view. Thanks for posting and allowing me to read and remember! Take care.
Retired from NOPF in 94. Got a degree in electrical design. Worked for a small design firm in State Collage, PA. Designed some cockpit speaker systems for Boeing AC. Moved to Erie, PA in 98 and started working for GE Transportation Systems, we build locomotives. Am running the on-site helpdesk. Have about 8k users and 40 servers. Have two boys. Nick is 21 and a junior at Slippery Rock U, studying Forensic Psychology. Andrew is 17 and a junior in high school, thinks he wants to be a teacher. That is, this week anyway.
Nice to see some familiar names.
Was stationed in Brawdy 79-81, Adak 81 -82, Japan 82 - 85, Taught OTA/Surtass 85 - 88. Graduated with BS in 94 and MBA in 2001. Director of Cardiology now at large hospital in midwest. Keep in touch with Dennis Adams OTA2, Dave Muckerheide OTA2 (work with him), Alex Wilhelms, Efrain Sola. See ya in Sept.
I'm a self employed software developer with my focus on the beer industry. I live in San Antonio, Texas.
See you there Tim!!
See ya. Plan on drinking some of that beer you develop software for.
Just to keep a great thread going ... I've seen a number of names from my past while few of you will remember me (being a RM2 at Pt. Sur and San Nicolas 1973-1975)
These days I am the Director of Operations at a worldwide air charter company in Southern California. We operate an eight ship fleet catering mostly to the Hollywood types. I am captain/check airman qualified in the Gulfstream IV, V and G550.
My wife Michelle, 2 sons and a very large cat live just north of the San Fernando Valley (burning today, again).
If you're around SoCal, dial me up via email ( ... diner's on me ... I love to share memories with my old shipmates from a most formative time in my life.
I was stationed at SNI from December 1973 through July 1975.
At the time I started my OWO was Lt.jg. J.A. Tompkins. OT2 Mike Legan was my supervisor and we had Kenny Leighton, Robert "Buster" Graham, and Mike Card in our section. I remember OT3 Pat Wheaton, WO Stony Stoneking, RM Conrad Jackman, Phil Jarvis, Ens. Cyndi Paul, LCdr Woody Woodford (Woodward?), RM Chico Lopez, and a few others.
I was at SNI as an OT. Robert "Bob" Rose.
When I was transferred from SNI, I traveled to NavFac Barbers Point, Hi. I was there from July 1975 through June 1977. Mustered out as an OT2. My section included OT's Melanie Johnson, Corky Nelson, and my memory fails me, there was a husband and wife team as readers. Anthony Duplessis of New Orleans was our Radioman. Our watch officers kept changing and I just can't recal them. I know Margaret Wheaton was there for a while.
Gotta love teh INTERNETZ! Just found this site, so I thought I'd put my thing down . . .
Got married in Hawaii in 1993 while stationed at CUSP. Left the service June of that year. Moved to Minnesota in January 1994.
I have three kids; one of whom recently graduated from Marine bootcamp (Courtney, 21), and two of whom live in Chicago, IL with their Mom. I live in Saint Paul, MN and will be graduating with a degree in social science this December just shy of my 40th birthday.
I work for Hennepin County Human Services in the Child Support Division; making sure that court ordered child support gets to kids. I will be applying for several political science PhD programs this fall and hope to be admitted for Fall 2010 admission.
You can find me on facebook as well!
Bob Velez