I was an OTA from 1980-90. got out after being in Arg, Brawdy, teaching A school and NOSC. It was a great 10 years. I ended up being a nurse because of a broken ankle. I had stayed in the reserves in a MIUW and went back on AD as a nurse in 1995. I was at Bethesda, Yokosuka, Bethesda, Yokosuka. I retired Mar 07. I finally married in 2001 and have a son, aged 6 and two beautiful adopted Japanese daughters, ages 3 and 4. My husband is an Info Warfare guy and we are currently at the War College in Newport. Hopefully we will be going to England in the fall. The thought brings back so many memories of Brawdy and I will surely visit if we get to England. I am a stay-at-home mom now. It is the hardest and best job ever. They keep you young. I am going to run a half marathon on May 3rd. Hope I don't keel over. I have a Newfoundland puppy named Harriet. It is beautiful and sunny today here which is great. We already went down to play in the water off Fort Adams. I am on Facebook. I really loved being an OT, it changed my life and world view. Thanks for posting and allowing me to read and remember! Take care.
Retired from NOPF in 94. Got a degree in electrical design. Worked for a small design firm in State Collage, PA. Designed some cockpit speaker systems for Boeing AC. Moved to Erie, PA in 98 and started working for GE Transportation Systems, we build locomotives. Am running the on-site helpdesk. Have about 8k users and 40 servers. Have two boys. Nick is 21 and a junior at Slippery Rock U, studying Forensic Psychology. Andrew is 17 and a junior in high school, thinks he wants to be a teacher. That is, this week anyway.
Was stationed in Brawdy 79-81, Adak 81 -82, Japan 82 - 85, Taught OTA/Surtass 85 - 88. Graduated with BS in 94 and MBA in 2001. Director of Cardiology now at large hospital in midwest. Keep in touch with Dennis Adams OTA2, Dave Muckerheide OTA2 (work with him), Alex Wilhelms, Efrain Sola. See ya in Sept.
Just to keep a great thread going ... I've seen a number of names from my past while few of you will remember me (being a RM2 at Pt. Sur and San Nicolas 1973-1975)
These days I am the Director of Operations at a worldwide air charter company in Southern California. We operate an eight ship fleet catering mostly to the Hollywood types. I am captain/check airman qualified in the Gulfstream IV, V and G550.
My wife Michelle, 2 sons and a very large cat live just north of the San Fernando Valley (burning today, again).
If you're around SoCal, dial me up via email (stuschrock@sbcglobal.net) ... diner's on me ... I love to share memories with my old shipmates from a most formative time in my life.
I was stationed at SNI from December 1973 through July 1975.
At the time I started my OWO was Lt.jg. J.A. Tompkins. OT2 Mike Legan was my supervisor and we had Kenny Leighton, Robert "Buster" Graham, and Mike Card in our section. I remember OT3 Pat Wheaton, WO Stony Stoneking, RM Conrad Jackman, Phil Jarvis, Ens. Cyndi Paul, LCdr Woody Woodford (Woodward?), RM Chico Lopez, and a few others.
I was at SNI as an OT. Robert "Bob" Rose.
When I was transferred from SNI, I traveled to NavFac Barbers Point, Hi. I was there from July 1975 through June 1977. Mustered out as an OT2. My section included OT's Melanie Johnson, Corky Nelson, and my memory fails me, there was a husband and wife team as readers. Anthony Duplessis of New Orleans was our Radioman. Our watch officers kept changing and I just can't recal them. I know Margaret Wheaton was there for a while.
Gotta love teh INTERNETZ! Just found this site, so I thought I'd put my thing down . . .
Got married in Hawaii in 1993 while stationed at CUSP. Left the service June of that year. Moved to Minnesota in January 1994.
I have three kids; one of whom recently graduated from Marine bootcamp (Courtney, 21), and two of whom live in Chicago, IL with their Mom. I live in Saint Paul, MN and will be graduating with a degree in social science this December just shy of my 40th birthday.
I work for Hennepin County Human Services in the Child Support Division; making sure that court ordered child support gets to kids. I will be applying for several political science PhD programs this fall and hope to be admitted for Fall 2010 admission.