My first watch sup (Chiefs didn't stand watch in those days) was STG2 Chuck Lohmann. A heck of good Petty Officer and new as much about subs as anyone in those days. He retired as a Master Chief. Our Research Chief was STC Goerge Niebaur.
I statarted my career clearing jungle for an antenna field. Then stood watches in comm. Finally we watched the cable being dragged ashore and turned on the array.
Within two hours of the first watch being manned we had a November class SSN screamin around Petro. What a beginning.
But what a group in the precom! There were 5 future Master Chiefs from that group; Rick Matthews, Rich Larson, Chuck Lohman....and after 42 years I can't remember the other two. Can you help me out Rick?
My first watch section Chief was OTAC Harvey Robke.
I remember he would sit at the desk (at NAVFAC ANTIGUA) and his burgundy socks would definitely not match his Chiefs shoes and pantsdesk (smoking a cigarette) during a mid-watch!! He would flirt with OTSN Georgie Benedict with that BIG BROAD SMILE of his! What a ladies man!! I do believe that we had a darn good watch team though........all 5 of us! Can't remember the other watch team members name. He had us do a lot of training and we did very well when the ORI team came.
Harvey Robke was a sailor I remember well. He arrived at COSL as a STG1 while I was stationed there and we had some really fun off-duty times together. Robke was a great guy and I was so saddened to learn he passed.
ET1/OT1 Mark Grooms, eleuthera 1972. Mark was both an analyst and maintainer, eventually making OTMC...He was as patient as they come and provided this fellow convertee a ton of encourgement when things looked bleak. I remember his wonderful wife Kathy forbade him from after watch parties with this poster. I believe that Bob(Robin Hood) was also there at the time as a OT2 watch supervisor.
I know I'm gonna get this kinda wrong.. His last name was Goldberry, (I think).. And I'm pretty sure his first name was Dan. And to further stir the murkiness, I believe my first watch LPO was Jim Ciolek. If anyone knows Jim, maybe he can correct me on the Goldberry name. Pt. Sur, 1972 -73..... Jim, remember throwing flaming rolls of toilet paper at us?
I believe you're thinking about Dan Roseberry. I was stationed with him in 1970 at NAVFAC Keflavik. He was in OTEC and Maintenance school in Key West in the 1975-76 time frame while I was on instructor duty.
I got there a bit later Tim as I had to paint the entire Q before they would let me be an OT. I'm not sure who the chief was or that there was one when I got there with you. I remember Ed. Silver working me to death in there. Was there a watch section Chief when I got there or just OT1 Silver ?
My first section Leader was OT1 Dick Moran. That was in 1968 in Bermuda. Other section members were: Walt Jackson, Marty Sorenson, Bud Smith, Terry Losey, Fred Hays, Chester Cizio & a few others. Our Watch Officer was Ens. Bradley. The Chiefs were all dayworkers. Those I remember were Chief Smith, Chief Skinner, Chief Widenor & Chief Betz. What a great time that was. Bermuda was my first NAVFAC and I enjoyed working with everyone there.
Hey Walt DeRosia, that is a name I havent heard in a while. I used to relieve you on EasyI, whenever I made it into work on time. You worked with Wanebo and Wasserman too didnt you? I remember Marti Sorenson, that guy had more energy than anyone I had ever seen. He was like a rubber ball bouncing from the plot to DAC to the beams and back. Really high energy. Those were really good times. I think My OWO we Ens Chip Pease. We use to give a hard time with that last name. Frozen Peas, etc.
Hey Hal. It has definitely been a while. Is there a listing for contact information of all our shipmates who we may have accounted during our tour? I live in Minnesota and it would be great to reunite with our friends who are close.