But what a group in the precom! There were 5 future Master Chiefs from that group; Rick Matthews, Rich Larson, Chuck Lohman....and after 42 years I can't remember the other two. Can you help me out Rick?
My first watch section Chief was OTAC Harvey Robke.
I remember he would sit at the desk (at NAVFAC ANTIGUA) and his burgundy socks would definitely not match his Chiefs shoes and pantsdesk (smoking a cigarette) during a mid-watch!! He would flirt with OTSN Georgie Benedict with that BIG BROAD SMILE of his! What a ladies man!! I do believe that we had a darn good watch team though........all 5 of us! Can't remember the other watch team members name. He had us do a lot of training and we did very well when the ORI team came.
Harvey Robke was a sailor I remember well. He arrived at COSL as a STG1 while I was stationed there and we had some really fun off-duty times together. Robke was a great guy and I was so saddened to learn he passed.
ET1/OT1 Mark Grooms, eleuthera 1972. Mark was both an analyst and maintainer, eventually making OTMC...He was as patient as they come and provided this fellow convertee a ton of encourgement when things looked bleak. I remember his wonderful wife Kathy forbade him from after watch parties with this poster. I believe that Bob(Robin Hood) was also there at the time as a OT2 watch supervisor.
I know I'm gonna get this kinda wrong.. His last name was Goldberry, (I think).. And I'm pretty sure his first name was Dan. And to further stir the murkiness, I believe my first watch LPO was Jim Ciolek. If anyone knows Jim, maybe he can correct me on the Goldberry name. Pt. Sur, 1972 -73..... Jim, remember throwing flaming rolls of toilet paper at us?
I believe you're thinking about Dan Roseberry. I was stationed with him in 1970 at NAVFAC Keflavik. He was in OTEC and Maintenance school in Key West in the 1975-76 time frame while I was on instructor duty.
I got there a bit later Tim as I had to paint the entire Q before they would let me be an OT. I'm not sure who the chief was or that there was one when I got there with you. I remember Ed. Silver working me to death in there. Was there a watch section Chief when I got there or just OT1 Silver ?
My first section Leader was OT1 Dick Moran. That was in 1968 in Bermuda. Other section members were: Walt Jackson, Marty Sorenson, Bud Smith, Terry Losey, Fred Hays, Chester Cizio & a few others. Our Watch Officer was Ens. Bradley. The Chiefs were all dayworkers. Those I remember were Chief Smith, Chief Skinner, Chief Widenor & Chief Betz. What a great time that was. Bermuda was my first NAVFAC and I enjoyed working with everyone there.
Hey Walt DeRosia, that is a name I havent heard in a while. I used to relieve you on EasyI, whenever I made it into work on time. You worked with Wanebo and Wasserman too didnt you? I remember Marti Sorenson, that guy had more energy than anyone I had ever seen. He was like a rubber ball bouncing from the plot to DAC to the beams and back. Really high energy. Those were really good times. I think My OWO we Ens Chip Pease. We use to give a hard time with that last name. Frozen Peas, etc.
Hey Hal. It has definitely been a while. Is there a listing for contact information of all our shipmates who we may have accounted during our tour? I live in Minnesota and it would be great to reunite with our friends who are close.