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Looking for a fun and rewarding experience?

This past weekend I attended a Tin Can Sailors Assoc. field day aboard the museum ship USS THE SULLIVANS (DD-537) at the Buffalo Naval & Military Park in Buffalo, NY. I’m not actually a member of the association, but my brother is and he invited me to come along and lend a hand. I had an amazing time.

A $35 pre-registration fee covered meals (Thurs dinner through Sunday breakfast) on the mess deck, and bottled water and soda were provided throughout the day to keep folks hydrated as they worked. Berthing was provided onboard both THE SULLIVANS and USS LITTLE ROCK (CLG-4), another museum ship at the park, and around 45 guys and gals show up to donate their time toward the upkeep of one of their beloved tin cans. For those veterans who miss (or in the case of a lot of us OTs – missed) the shipboard experience, it was a great opportunity to connect with other veterans from various eras and share sea stories while chipping; painting; sweeping and polishing for a good cause.

I know there are several other groups that organize similar work weekends on different classes of ships, and you probably don’t have to actually be a member to participate. But if you get the opportunity, this experience has it all: nostalgia, camaraderie and physical exercise, all while helping to boost the image of our military services by sprucing up a ship that to the vast majority of visitors IS the U.S. Navy.

Re: Looking for a fun and rewarding experience?

Thanks for the information. I'm looking forward to doing this (in about 3 yrs).

Re: Looking for a fun and rewarding experience?

I know the USS Massachusetts has the same type of volunteer program in Fall River, Mass. They get together in May of each year, not sure of the exact date. Thanks for bringing this up, Paul, reminding me of these great causes. You got my adrenalin going again. I think I'll be going back there this coming May.
Pam and I did go once, but arrived too late. Another thing is that I'm a baker, by trade, so not sure if the galley is still in working order. What a thrill it would be to be able to bake some bread and ge-dunks for the crew. Of course, I'm sure welders and pipe-fitters, etc are in more of a demand. *grin* But then again, it would be more of a treat for them than chicken Mc'Nuggets and two week old brownies, LOL.
What a great cause and satisfying thing to do, Paul. Thanks again.
Charlie Costa

Re: Looking for a fun and rewarding experience?

Hey Paul - are you living back in BUF now? Heard you had a BRUTAL winter this past year...ugh! I'm in KS now - since 11/09. How's life treating you?
