Hello Mike,
The NAVFAC was just northeast of the airport very close to the PanAm base. About the Northeast point of the island. A bit east of the Antigua Beach hotel. The island is famed/claimed to have 365 beaches (1 for each day of the year) Deb and I have always said that if we had the money we would retire there. I was by far the best tour location throughout our career. If you are going on pleasure trip. Take in as much as you possibly can. Then again, I am speaking of Antigua of 30 years ago. Likely very different today. By the way, did you ever beat my PacMan score? Take care and enjoy.
You lucky guy! I left there 43 years ago. Where are you staying? Check out Google Earth before you go. Antigua is a beautiful place. Let me know if "The Bucket of Blood" is still there (to the right of the main gate). Please post some pictures of the base in the photo album when you get back. I wish I were going with you.
The NavFac is now "American University of Antigua - Medical School" so access should be easy.
The T-bldg is approx 17 09N 61 47W if you want to look it up on Google Earth.
The bucket was barely standing while we were there, do you think it has survived? What a great place to wrap up an eve watch.Where would "OB" be today? Im in the Phoenix area. This msg is a little old so hope it gets to you.
I left NavFac Antigua in '62. The facility was located just east of the Antigua Beach Club. Also within walking distance was the NASA facility. Hope someone else can be more specific.