Re: Retired military pay and Concurrent receipt of disability
Thanks, Hal. Done. Sent the message to the President, my Senator's Jim Webb D-Va and Mark Warner D-Va and my Congressman Scott Rigell R-Va. Since the legislation relates to Veteran's and was sposnored by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev and Rep. Sanford Bishop, D-Ga, I am pretty confident in Webb's support. Cant' say the same for Warner (he's on a no spending kick lately) or Rigell. But I shall stay on them.
Re: Retired military pay and Concurrent receipt of disability
Sent. I am now at 70% compensation but just since last April. Before that I was at 40% and told the VA I couldn't take the money because of the offset to my Navy retirement pay and my Iowa disabilty I lost $300 per month. I think my offset is now $60 from DFAS and $400 something state but at least I don't lose income now.
Re: Retired military pay and Concurrent receipt of disability
Hal - thanks for this posting and the link to voice our views about Concurrent Receipt. I just sent mine to appropriate reps. It is LONG OVERDUE. I fully understand the current fiscal crisis looming in this country - but there are very realistic cuts that can be made, without excluding this group of veterans from what every other veteran is eligible for - just because they stuck with their career for the "long haul". Maybe they could start with the annual Cowboy Poetry Festival - held in Harry Reid's homestate of Nevada (which is largely funded by the federal government) - - hope I don't offend any of the "cowboys" out there !!
Re: Retired military pay and Concurrent receipt of disability
G.W. had us all on the fast track for full concurrent receipt by 2013 (no offset), then we got change. The money saved went towards the newly disabled, intended for combat veterans so they could get full pay without offset.
I wanted to complain at the time, but I thought it would seem like I was being greedy and stealing from those veterans who had "real" injuries, i.e., missing limbs, eyes, etc.