You obviously have it ALL under control, wish we were going. We may have a mutual friend in STCS William O'Connor Sonar Chief on the USS MCCLOY. He was on the stack when they got caught up with their towed array and I was QA or OPS Chief in Bermuda, that may have been after you left. He later served as the Command Senior Enlisted at SSAAC Mayport where I was assigned as NUWC Civil Service Representative.
Sorry to say I did not know STGC Conner. When I left MCCLOY in late December 1981 there was no Chief ST aboard. I reported to COMNAVSURFLANT in Jan 1982 and was Assistant Force ASWO when MCCLOY physically confirmed towed array contact with the V-III. I have a piece of that tow cable which I had on display on one of the tables at the IUSS 55th.
Hey Denny,
If you get a chance or have the desire, get some fishing gear, catch a land crab and toss it in for a chance to catch a tasty Hogfish. Enjoy your stay and be safe.
I understand that Smokey presents a 15 minute Powerpoint presentation on parking regulations (do's & don'ts) in downtown Hamilton. Check for seating availability at his next seminar.
That sounds like a great idea and I might take the time to do some fishing. For sure I'll take the time to have a cold one (or two) and plate of fish-n-chips at the White Horse Tavern in St George.
I'm assuming I'll be very close to "Little Divot" and can probably get some photos of it. The Clairfont Apartments are on Warwickshire Road which leads off South Shore Road across from Warwick Long Bay. If you have a jpeg of what Little Divot looked like when you lived there send it to me via email as a reference. Chances are good that it still is similar in appearance except for the foliage, etc. Send jpeg to me using the email link below.
My brother, his wife, and my folks went back to Bermuda late last year for my brother's 50th birthday (he was born there); they had a GREAT time. Of course, much had changed since we lived there 1959-1962, but they did manage to find one of the houses we had lived in. Hope you and Kara have the same enjoyable experience!
Kara and I have been back on three trips via cruise ships including the one last June. Change is visible everywhere. Some hotels, and stores we knew as long standing landmarks such as The Belmont, The Bermudiana and Trimingham's no longer exist but the island remains to be as charming as it ever was. I know we're going to have a great time.