At this moment there is tordado going through Sedalia, Mo; there Rick Matthews Lives. Please Pray for Rick & his Family. There as has been multiple tornado warning in Kansas City Area this morning.
Sedalia was hit by any EF1 to 2 Tornado. News is reporting 50 mobile homes and 6-10 homes destroyed, some businesses damage. Some minor injuries, but no loss of life.
I hope Ri9ck keep his head down.
We need six tornado's tocuh down in the Kansas City area this morning minor damage & no injuries. At work we had to going in the shelter 3 times in 2 hours. It has been a wearing day here.
Yea, he and Karen are fine, so far! He lives a bit out of the track of the recent storms. Got an email from him after Joplin. His company (insurance) is sending agents out to start writing checks for the rebuilding process.
Powers back on! Thanks for all your prayers. The twister missed our place by 3/4 mile. An EF-2. Some really scarey moments as we ran to the basement with friends. No major damage except for our little town. This is this town's third tornado since 2000. Each on gets a little bit worse. Only 15 walking wounded. No fatalities. We take em seriously here in Tornado Alley. See link for last years version of today.
The deadly tornado that hit Joplin, MO also did some damage in Wentworth. I don't know if power and phone service has been restored there yet. However, no fatalities were reported in Wentworth.