Rick Hoffmann was a good guy and a great mentor! He was my first OWC at Brawdy, and I learned a lot from him. He was a gifted leader.
When I was a young OTA2 walking into my OWC oral board at NAVFAC Brawdy, I was seriously intimidated by the dozen or so Department LCPOs, many of which I barely knew. None of them, not even the Marine Corps GYSGT, made me as nervous as OTCM Hoffmann. I didn't want to disappoint him!
The last time I saw Rick was around 1994. I was the Career Counselor at NAVFAC Keflavik and he was the OT Detailer, and I saw him when I went to BUPERS in DC for a few days. Great guy!
The last I heard, Rick Hoffmann was either selling used cars in Maryland, or selling furniture in a family business in Maryland. I've heard both from reputable sources, and I'm not sure which, if either, is true! Still, I hope he's doing well.
Greg, I don't remember leaving you at the alter (but I can understand why), but I'm still around. Brett, thanks for the good words, they are appreciated. No, I don't sell cars or furniture... I'm an HR for a major corporation (at least for 1-2 more years, then on to Canada).
On a more serious note, I'm not sure how many remember him, but I just found out from Gina Reeves, OTA1 Kirk Reeves wife, that he passed this past Thursday from lung cancer. Kirk was a Vietnam vet combat medic who crossrated to OT and served on Midway and Argentia (80-86), where he met and married his wife Gina. My prayers go with him.
Rick...glad to ghear from you...So sorry to hear about Kirk...I remember him from Arg and the story he told about flying there from Midway. They gave him a voucher for his commercial flight but it was to Argentinia instread of Arg...He had to pay out of his own pocket for the flight and it took 6 months to get the Nav to reimburse him for his costs...