Hearing loss can be service connected by the VA if you can show that you experienced it during service (compare entrance and discharge physicals) or if you developed a compensible level hearing loss within one (1) year of discharge. That is the norm with VA, but some Regional Offices are stricter, some easier. Best bet is to file a claim, and see what transpires. For tinnitus, you need only show that you have it, have a reasonable explanation for developing it (it results from acoustic trauma) and the one trick question is that it had to have started during service; can't have started after discharge. Can be all the time, or it can come and go. Disability level is set at 10%; can't be any higher than that! Advice to use a VSO (Am Legion, VFW, etc) is good, or use a CVSO if your state has them. Vietnam vets should be aware that VA has just added three (3) new presumptives to the Agent Orange list. Ischemic Heart Disease, Parkinson's and B Cell Leukemia. Anyone who set foot in RVN (or Korean DMZ 69-71) and later develops one of these will be s/c by VA. Big issue at the moment, and lots of vets have been affected. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in American men. If you are or know a VN vet, mention it!