Just received info from friends on ANDROS (AUTEC) and All non-essintial personnel are being evacuated. Contact with Mate and Jenny's son in Palmetto Point Eleuthera indicates they are going to stay and hope for the best. Just for information to those who were lucky enough to be stationed on the island and know any of the Bahamian people.
Chuck & Linda
Peggy & I lived in Palmetto Point 1964-65, moving to Hut Point just in time for Hurricane Betsy, Labor Day 1965. All dependents were ordered to the base, and in the midst of the storm (140 knots), we lost the roof on the base theater and all enlisted families (50-60 folks) had to evacuate to the BOQ via rope line.
We learned how to live without electricty for two weeks and the oil hurricane lamp we purchased at the little store in Palmetto Point is still a prized possession.
Our thoughts always are on that island during hurricane season.
Roger that George, we too lived in Palmeto point in a little cottage right next to Sands Grocery, and right across the street from a "Dry Goods" store also owned by the Sands Family. There was a Hardwood stoor right next to our cottage, you guessed it also built and owned by Sands. The best thing was the cottage was hooked up to secondary power the grocery store generator when power was lost. We and the kids stayed out in town in that cottage during the passing of Hurricane David and had pots and pans every where collecting water as it dripped in from the roof. Great times, lots of fond memories.