Chuck - nice short story about the hurricanes you experienced on the islands. You and George should consider writing something for the upcoming issue of The Cable on those events. Only ones I ever recall is when we were in Bermuda - I think we had two - one in 1974 when Linda was pregnant with Jodi (she is now 36 years old) and another in 1976. Can't remember for sure, but I think both of them were "near misses" - but we broke out the kerosene lamps and candles, flashlights, etc. - filled kettles with water, and all the usual stuff to prepare for the worst. I remember several "monster" earthquakes in Adak (1970/71) much better. A couple of those had us evacuating housing for higher ground up at the Navy complex on Bearing Hill.
Hope all those in the path of the hurricane will take extra precautions - nice thing here in NY (no hurricanes, no tornados, and no earthquakes !!)
Take care everyone............Irv (Dee)
Where in NY are you? I'm in the SE corner where NY/CT/MA meet and we have had two Tornados touch down, tremors from the recent earthquake Previous hurricanes and flash floods and it looks like Irene could give us at least some wind and up to 6 inches of rain. When we were in Bermuda on our second tour (85-89) we got slammed by two major hurricanes. Lots of damage throughout the island.
John - thanks for your post and interest in mine. We are in sort of a suburb of Glens Falls, NY which is about 50 miles due north of Albany - just off Exit 18 of the Northway (I87). Keep going north and you end up near Plattsburg and eventually Montreal Canada.
I think the most we are expecting from Irene is a bit of rain, possibly some higher wind conditions. Nothing to be concerned about We had two tours in BDA 66-69 and 74-77. I was in from 59-81 and retired out of HI as MCPO of the Pacific System. Have been retired just over 30 years now - makes me pretty old, huh?? We seldom get down your way, have been to Mystic CT a few years ago. You must be pretty near NYC - right?? Let me know if you ever have plans to come up this way - would welcome a visit.
John - wonering how you are doing with the hurricane. I know it passed right over NYC, so must have been very close to you. Our prayers are for you and your family's safety. What town are you located in? Would like to look it up on mapquest. Can't be more than 3 hours or so from us. We actually have experienced quite a bit of damage in this area. Thankfully, none of us in our family (as of yet), but high winds have taken many trees down and neighbors of our daughters have trees down on their houses, garages and cars - VERY, VERY UNUSUAL for this area. The only one I can recall as bad was way back in the early 50's - I think 1953 , but don't even know if they named hurricanes back then. If they did, they were only given male names (should have called them himacanes !!). If you want, e.mail me at
Take care..........Irv