Hatteras was my first experience with the OT rate after I was forced to cross rate the first time. I still carry a lot of fond memories, and a couple of not so fond ones from that tour. It was a great place to break into the system. A lot of good people, a couple of whom I was fortunite enough to serve with again at San Nic. and Dam Neck. One of my best tours in my 22 year career. And yes, the fishing was great too. Sat. morning I was watching the Avon Piers webcam when they lost power.
I'm sure that there are tons of pics of the island on the web. However, Red Drum Tackle Shop in Buxton has a forums page on their website. If you visit the formums page you can navigate to a lot of pics. Rodanthe is a mess.
I was watching the storm from the Avon pier's webcam until it went out at 0800 Sat morning. It is still out, and I suspect that it will be for some time.