I too remember my 3 years in Kef. Jim Donovan, John Lipinsek (???) and I all graduated from C School in the same class with orders to Kef. When I arrived Jim and John had all ready arrived and John went to Maintenance and Jim went to OPS. Al Warden was the OPSLCPO and I begged to send me to the watch floor. Luckily he did, but I remember walking in to the Display room and everyone was very relaxed. I spoke to the watch coordinator and said "Guess your not holding anything?". He replied that they were holding 4. I came from Nantucket before school, and wanted to stay on the floor to see "what was going to happen". What a tour and I still think of all the real fun we had doing something that "mattered". Randy is right about the "finishing school" and so many great OT's passed through the display room doors during its time.
I'm sure you recall the following White Falcon:
Kef has a very special place in the history of ASW. There are others, some that can still not be discussed, but Adak also had a very, very special impact on SOSUS/IUSS.
Speaking of Kef and Adak... an interesting Welcome to Adak. Be sure to check out the "After" videos of Adak today. Sad to see., but at least the T-Bldg is still there.
Can anyone figure out what year the Welcome Aboard film (see Rick's message above) was taken based on people in the film (anyone recognize someone or themselves?) or know when the modular housing being constructed was built? The film mentions a third school being built in the early 1990s so I would assume it is late 1980s or early 1990s?