Two things that I have that is probably one of a kind items is 1. A 1979 Wind breaker with the name "NAVFAC Eleuthera 1979 Fishing Tournment" printed in gold on the front. and 2. a series of about 6-8 NAVY Watch LOGS, of all incidents and routine issues that occurred on a daily basis 6-8 different years in and around WWII from what was then
Naval Station Bermuda(WEST END). Every time we move I hear "Why don't you throw those out?"
When they took down the old Building in BDA I checked it out just in time. Some one else was with me and also perserved a bit of History. Right LT
I don't have any ten-point dividers or any other "U. S. Government property" in my IUSS memorabilia. I do still have in my desk drawer my Pickett 6" slide rule that I used on watches and my old Navy work jacket with a NAVFACKEF patch on it.
Hanging above my desk is the beautiful large "Icelandic Domain" certificate for service in Iceland signed by Capt. J. C. Payne and my NAVFACKEF Sailor of the Quarter plaque. The plaque has a plaster, hand-painted NAVFACKEF emblem on it and I think it was made either by ST1 Maultsby or ST1 Hammond (their rate at the time.) Somehow I've managed to hang on to it for forty years without it cracking. I also have a chunk of lava rock from "the Site."
Keflavik was my first duty station out of FSS and it definitely was "IUSS finishing school" as Randy Scott calls it. Great memories and an incredible naval experience. It's an honor to have been part of the team.
Paul, I must say you pick a good subject. My favorite artifact from my OT life would be a old DSA cut with no freq marks of a type 1 N. and type 2 N. given to me by Frank Corso. I was sad to hear he took his life,
but glad to have meet him. I also have a Christmas card that Todd Snarr gave me of the Adak Forrest with Christmas lights on the trees. I know now that everything now is on a computer screens, but it was nice to remember standing a mid-watch and stamping and cutting the beams,. Those were the days.
Good to look back in the old dusty boxes now and then. A nautical slide rule (circular) and a tablet of maneuvering boards. Once had a ten points that I found in a junk store in Fortuna. Hmm, wonder where that came from? Store owner hand no clue what it was. Large caliber (undetermined) bullet from the western shore of Ford Island at extreme low tide. Lots of memories.
Paul, if you (or anyone else) has another spare ten points you would like to part with, I am interested in having one. I remember using them at Pt. Sur and Adak in the early 70s. Might be a good conversation piece hanging on my office wall. Please email me for address.