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Thanks to Those like Russ - who - over many years - have archived past postings

The writer is a contributing member to a group of technically erudite persons who are
interested in submarine-associated issues, primary THRESHER at this time.

Questions have arisen from the group about the CONNECTICUT collision, specifically the
acoustic detectability of KILO Class diesel submarines.

In response to one of those questions, I provided the linked IUSSCAA Message Posting
from 2013. I am very thankful that such past postings are recoverable. As in this case,
they can be inordinately useful.

I also noted to the group that that kind of research involving technical expertise from
persons not employed by the government in sensitive positions would not have been
encourged - or possibly even permitted.- during my 42 years at ONI. What we found
was that those we were permitted to contact on technical matters often provided
erroneous information, established to have been erroneous by subsequently developed
acoustic data. It was essentially a boot-strap operation at ONI. We pulled ourselves out of
information "holes," forced to do so by the myopic management policies at ONI

This restriction of contacts was - and, I assume, remains a basic limitation to access to technical
data needed by acoustic analysts, whether at ONI or elsewhere.

I've said as much before; this posting just reiterates the conclusion that those kept technically
in the dark can be expected to produce unenlightened assessments.
