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Background on Jonathan S. Toebbe , the Guy the FBI Nailed Trying to Sell US Nuc Sub Info for $100K

Nuclear Engineer, Naval Reactors, Nov 2012 - Present 9 years, Washington D.C. Metro Area

- Oversees performance of core physics testing aboard new construction and operating submarines and aircraft carriers. Coordinates with government contractors, shipyard personnel, and ship’s force to ensure reactor safety, performance, and on-time delivery.

- Technical lead for COLUMBIA-class submarine nuclear design. Manages multi-million dollar technical work program to ensure on-time, on-budget delivery of design products necessary to validate reactor safety and performance.

- Fleet support engineer for core physics. Subject matter expert working in multi-disciplinary team to respond to time-critical, technical challenges faced by ships deployed globally.

Wife, who was a look-out at the drop-site is (now was) a teacher with a Ph.D. in Anthropology.
