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Assessment of So-Called THRESHER LOFARgrams Released by the Navy on 5 Nov 2021

The following was sent to CAPT Jim Bryant's group investigating the loss of THRESHER.

The more I look at the THRESHER LOFARgrams the Navy released on 5 Nov 2021, the stronger
is my conclusion that the displayed data includes a superimposed fine-grain apparently random
pattern of noise intended to mask the real data which - of course - does not include the Main
Coolant Pump or deballasting signature sources because the released grams covered a bearing
circa 70-degree off the known position of the wreck.

If you look at the second gram, you will see that the pattern is repeated across the gram even to
the extreme low frequency side of the gram as well as over the large white arrows and on the
extreme right side beyond the edge of the gram, .

No LOFARgram I ever saw during my 50+ years of looking at grams ever looked like these.
The intent to deceive is strongly suggested but very sloppily executed.

I've not finished with these grams but I've gone far enough to verify my initial assessment.

