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Re: Goodbye

Sorry to hear that Bruce.

Thank you for all of your very informative posts across the years.

Re: Goodbye

Farewell old friend. You have always stayed true to us all. Thank you for your service to America and IUSS.

Re: Goodbye

Bruce, you’ll be sorely missed here. Thanks for all you have done.

Re: Goodbye

Sorry to hear that your eyesight is failing. We will miss your posts.

I sent you an email requesting the electronic copy of the LOFARgrams you indicated in your 12/16/21 post (see below) but have not received them yet.

LOFARgrams for Christmas? Just Ask.

If you wish to electronically received the Navy-released
LOFARgrams discussed in my postings of 2 and 10 Dec,
post request on this site or email me at karasjok@aol.com.

Re: Goodbye

Very sorry to read this post. I will really miss your very informative posts. Thank you for all your insights.

Re: Goodbye

It was great knowing you. You will be missed.

Re: Goodbye

So sorry to hear about this issue. It has been a pleasure to read your postings and learn so much. Thank you for all you've done.

Re: Goodbye

I have really enjoyed your detail posts on this message board. Thank you! An old Navfac member sends

Re: Goodbye

Mr. Rule, I am sorry to hear of your lost of vision. I have enjoyed every post you have made and provided much interesting background on the things I was involved in. Your posts on the Loss of the Thresher were very informative. Good luck. TOM

Re: Goodbye

Bruce, thanks for your thoughtful and scholarly insight in the many topics you have shared with us over the years. I shall miss them! Best wishes to you and yours!

Re: Goodbye

I for one will continue to search for a "regain contact" on Bruce... Possibly a CZ detection. His Case Number B001-22 remains Open... Not yet ready for "Close-out" and "Reconstruct"... Ed

Re: Goodbye

Bruce sorry to learn of your medical issue. Ed

Re: Goodbye


I am so sorry to hear the unfortunate news. I always enjoyed reading your posts - even those that were way over my head. You will be sorrily missed.

