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A New Year Ahead

There is no greater honor than to serve a great nation in pursuit of truth and equal justice for all people.

I chose to serve at a time when our nation was at war, defending the rights of a free people to choose their preferred form of governance from an aggressive, intolerant incursion into their private lives, hopes, and dreams.

I chose to serve in support of those who had previously elected to risk their very lives to fight for the freedom of the innocent and harmless people of a nation halfway around the world.

There is no political affiliation on dog tags. There is no race on military headstones. The choice to serve pre-supposes the eventual confrontation in harm's way with forces and processes beyond ones ability to control or be influenced by politics and racial heritage.

Thus I chose, as many here did, to place my life and future in the hands of a higher power... without regard to the political aspirations of those over me... knowing full well that politics and race always bear upon the decisions made by those in command.

I knew that at some point I might be asked to obey unlawful orders based on political or racial bias, and that I would be forced to confront such orders with due regard to the welfare of my fellow shipmates.

Now, as I wind down to the end, I look back and assess my actions and decisions with the context of today's divided American political and racial landscape. I am reminded of a quote from Hamilton in Federalist I regarding such situations...

"Candor will oblige us to admit that even such men may be actuated by upright intentions; and it cannot be doubted that much of the opposition which has made its appearance, or may hereafter make its appearance, will spring from sources, blameless at least, if not respectable—the honest errors of minds led astray by preconceived jealousies and fears. So numerous indeed and so powerful are the causes which serve to give a false bias to the judgment, that we, upon many occasions, see wise and good men on the wrong as well as on the right side of questions of the first magnitude to society."

I wish to thank all, both living and passed on, for your support and kindness through the years... and to wish those reading this a Very Safe, Happy, and Prosperous New Year.

Best Regards

Re: A New Year Ahead


You about said it all with no need for amplification so just let me return your New Years wishes with another.
Pat and I wish each and everyone of you a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year.

J & P

Re: A New Year Ahead

Rick, you are and have always been one of the true greats of the system. The system was better because you were a big part of it. For reasons I don't fully understand, I have had a very hard time learning that so many special people have gone to the big NAVFAC in the sky this year. For all that read this post, if we ever crossed paths know that I appreciate your service and sacrifices. So many good people have passed and I never really took the time to tell them they too made the system what it was and it was better because of them. If we didn't cross paths you still mean a great deal to me since it took a united effort to do what we did and do it well. The loss of Brule Rule's posts will be a huge loss and his insights have been some of the most profound. I am sure each of us has a list of heroes that we respected and learned from. People like Smokey are a legend in his own time. To each and everyone, stay safe, stay healthy, and remember you are someone special.

Re: A New Year Ahead

A few random thoughts after reading your post, Rick…

Comprehending depth requires numerous readings and you certainly earned my appreciation

Hamilton, perhaps the most brilliant of the founders, was an excellent choice to bolster your views

Commanders either serve or seek to be served. We all encountered both

There are only two judges that really matter. In life, the mirror. After life it is our Maker.

I also wish all a prosperous, meaningful and healthy New Year.
