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Shipmate visit

Wednesday, February 16th, a day which will live in empathy for many ancient mariners, Ben and Marcy Crawford hosted a delightful visit with Ed Dornig, a shipmate of Ben’s at NavFac Argentia in 1964. Ed resides in Massachusetts and is attending the Daytona 500 and related race activities in Daytona Beach this week. We enjoyed rehashing memories of 58 years ago and catching up with milestones in our lives since our Naval service (although CRS has become a prominent impediment). Charlie Costa, also a NavFac ARG shipmate, in an August 2020 e-mail, sums up my thoughts about my brief naval service: “I'm still amazed how such a relative short period of time can leave such an indelible mark on our lives.”

Re: Shipmate visit

I am so glad that Ed connected with you folks! I met Ed at the IUSSCAA 50th Anniversary reunion in Norfolk in 2004. Although my time at Argentia was a little later (12/1968 through 06/1970), we enjoyed sharing stories about our time on the rock. Ed really seemed to enjoy attending that reunion!

Bob Hickman (OWO @ Argentia 12/68 - 06/70)
