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Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

That’s sad news, Ernie was a good guy and fine shipmate whom I knew in Arg many years ago. We pass on our condolences to his family and wish him peace on the other side.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Earnie was a great shipmate and friend. He taught me so much about management and doing the duties of a Chief.His knowledge and wisdom kept me out of hot water many days.Kindest thoughts to his family and may God grant him Paradise.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Never knew Ernie personally but certainly knew the name. It is always sad to hear of the loss of another shipmate and key player of our elite community. Please pass along our thoughts and prayers to his family from us. May he rest in peace until our great reunion at our final duty station.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Havn't seen or heard of Ernie since our Cheatham Annex days. Often wondered about him.
I know he had been in poor health for a number of years but still hate to hear of his passing.
Rest in peace shipmate. You earned it.


Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

"Ras" was definitely from the "Old Guard". May he rest in peace. Ed Smock

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Sorry to hear this sad news. Ras was one of the old timers and a really great guy.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Talk about "old-timers" It's been a long time since I've seen you in here. Hope all is well with you and the family.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Sorry to hear this. I worked with him at Dam Neck.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Yet another fine OT and friend has passed over. Ras was a shipmate at Arg 50+ years ago, and many great memories of those times. Farewell Ras...Fair Winds and Following Seas.

Our condolences to family and friends.
