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Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Havn't seen or heard of Ernie since our Cheatham Annex days. Often wondered about him.
I know he had been in poor health for a number of years but still hate to hear of his passing.
Rest in peace shipmate. You earned it.


Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

"Ras" was definitely from the "Old Guard". May he rest in peace. Ed Smock

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Sorry to hear this sad news. Ras was one of the old timers and a really great guy.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Talk about "old-timers" It's been a long time since I've seen you in here. Hope all is well with you and the family.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Sorry to hear this. I worked with him at Dam Neck.

Re: Passing of Another Shipmate

Yet another fine OT and friend has passed over. Ras was a shipmate at Arg 50+ years ago, and many great memories of those times. Farewell Ras...Fair Winds and Following Seas.

Our condolences to family and friends.
