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Bingo Night - Navfac Centerville Beach - December 1977

From the November-December 2022 issue of "Our Story - The Ferndale Museum" The story is "Gone with the Wind" I find Irene Guglielmenia and her Mother Ida Katri went to facility for the monthly Bingo game. The wind storm came and they were stranded there until the wind let up. The date of the wind storm was December 20, 1977. Wind is estimated to have been over 100 mph.

Re: Bingo Night - Navfac Centerville Beach - December 1977

I do not remember that

I was there at that time but do not recall a windstorm

that's what getting older does i guess

Centerville Nov 1976 - August 1978

Re: Bingo Night - Navfac Centerville Beach - December 1977

Thanks for the reply - I live now in Eureka Duty at San Salvador and COSL ending in 1969 You would never know the CB base existed there now
