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Re: Seabees

1970, NAVFAC Cooshead, SeaBees we’re responsible for building a pond in front of the Admin building, by order of the CO, after discovering a couple of domesticated geese from a Coos Bay city park showed up on base one morning. Alcohol may have been involved the night before.

Re: Seabees

1969 and forward - "Seabees" Augment the watch at NavFac Centerville Beach.

(From "Our Book").

To help augment the watch during hi-temp ops, the Seabees (normally referred to as "upper base" personnel throughout the system due to the T Bldg being "lower" near the water.) were cleared, trained, and would stand watch with us as plotters, DAC operators, message handlers (and they especially enjoyed learning to read the grams) etc.. There were normally 2 or 3 assigned to a watch section and when the word went out to augment they would report to the watch ready to go…

"This they did with great pride and professionalism." “They were - fired up"…

It was also a great morale booster to have the Ops and PW personnel share in this important endeavor. They used to ask me, "Do you need us - do you need us???"
(Ed Smock STCM Centerville Beach 1968-1971)
