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Re: NOPF Dam Neck

So nice of you to post your early involvement with NOPF Dam Neck (Now TUSC LANT), Doc.

There are a number of NOPF Dam Neck plank owners and early command members in the IUSS Caesar Alumni Association. I served as OPS Officer at NOPF DN April 1994 to October 1995 and as CO July 1999 to July 2001.

I happen to agree with your assessment of CAPT Hryskanich; a true officer and gentleman. I've spoken to Scratch recently during a Change of Command ceremony at Dam Neck. Happy to report he is in good health and just as active as ever. I can put you in touch if you'd like. My cell# is 757-376-2019.

- Jim Donovan

Re: NOPF Dam Neck

I was never stationed at Dam Neck, but I guess I have something in common with both of you - and that is your comments regarding Capt."Scratch". I had the privilege of having him as my commanding officer at the NavFac in Bermuda and one could not ask for a better officer to serve under; not to mention having him on the same bowling league team! We met several times later in our careers and once after I retired, but can't recall where or exactly when; perhaps at one of the IUSS reunions? I would love to get in touch with him, as I know he would remember me. I will give you a call Jim and see if that is an option.

Re: NOPF Dam Neck

I was there in those pre-op days. Capt. Scratch was a true gentleman. I was able to complete my B.A. while stationed there due to time off given for research in the library.And, I must say, the officers were outstanding people too..Cdr.Asher-Xo and others. And the Right Reverend Dr. Lee "Bud" Cole (OT1 Bud Cole)> Bud was not only an upbeat guy, he was an excellent vocalist. So many great people, so long ago, good memories.
