Re: IUSS 70th Anniversary - “We can use your help.”
I would just like to echo a bit of what "Captain Jim" mentioned about "we're all in this together".
Each of us is only one small cog in the gear that continues to drive the IUSS System in the past, present and future. BUT...... each of us also continue to play an important part that brings us where we are today.
This msg is to everyone, but I want to implore the "old timers" to, once again, "get out there on the watch floor", let our voices be heard and let each one do his/her part to make this 70th anniversary a huge success!
I realize many are much older now - possibly with health, travel or other issues that make things more difficult than in our youth. But, I also believe we can each help - even if its purchasing just one T-shirt. If you are unable to attend, please consider a donation.
I would love to see a "s_ _ _t load" of former shipmates at this reunion! Come on and give it your best shot to attend. None of us are guaranteed the opportunity to be there "next time", and this could very well be our "last hurrah"!!
One last thought: while many, if not most, of the folks on this website are among what I would term as the "old timers", it is probably safe to assume that a bunch of former OT types may not be aware of this important function. Especially those that served one or two "hitches". As Jim mentioned, let's spread the word via email, text messaging, Facebook, Tok Tik, Tweeter (smile), or any other means to do our part.
Thanks for your interest and hope to see you in Norfolk this September.
Re: IUSS 70th Anniversary - “We can use your help.”
Thanks for this information and in response to the plea, I have joyfully signed up. Cathy and I will see you in Norfolk. (Got a couple shirts too)