The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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"I wish you had been a chef"

What does this line at the end of 'Murder Under Glass' mean? I'd always assumed Gerard was saying that if Columbo had been a chef, he would have got away with the murder, but is something else meant? The way Columbo replies "I understand" in quite an understated way makes me think that Gerard's meaning is deeper than I previously thought.

This line comes just after Gerard and Columbo state they don't like each other, and also just after Gerard tries Columbo's veal concoction. So is there a second meaning, that Gerard thinks Columbo would have been a good chef? Or does Gerard think Columbo would have been a bad chef, in which case he would have enjoyed 'destroying' him?

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

as a friend of mine continuously tells me, i think you're reading too much into the line.
for me, i think that it's just the fact that he's complimenting columbo on his cooking, but more importantly, that if columbo had made a career as a chef rather than crime enforcement then gerard would have gotten off.

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

Correct. Gerard now recognizes what an excellent detective Columbo is. He sees that Columbo pours every bit of energy into being the best he can be at being a detective. So Gerard knows that had Columbo been a chef, that Columbo would equally have poured every bit of energy into being a chef - and therefore wouldn't have been around to detect the fact that Gerard was a murderer!

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

I'm not so sure. For Columbo to reply "I understand" seems odd if Gerrard is simply complementing him. He would more likely just thank him. My take on it is he is being sarcastic - he doesn't think much of the food and Columbo is acknowledging this.

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

sorry ghost, i have to disagree...but that's how it is sometimes.
i just watched the scene once again, and gerard's attitude seems to be one of admiring columbo's cuisine, and wishing that he had indeed become a chef rather than a police officer, because gerard felt that if columbo wasn't such a great detective, then he might not have been caught.
and the 'i understand, sir' reply by columbo seemed to be only a comment which showed that columbo understood gerard, and that he realized that he recognized that he had gotten his man.
it's just my take on it.

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

After watching this episode for the first time, I gathered the following:

Gerard simply wanted Columbo to be a chef so that he could have gotten away with murder. This is also evidenced when both he and Columbo exchange plates and where Gerard violently prepares his napkin. The sheer hate and disgust he is feeling can be seen in this way. In addition, from what Columbo said, in this case, 'I understand, sir', is him just accepting the situation and that had he indeed been a chef, Mr. Gerard would be a success in his conduct.

However, I will watch this episode again in the future many times as I think it one of the best.

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

YES! isn't it great how gerard whips that napkin?!?! i really loved that.
and doesn't this episode just make you so hungry? it always does for me.

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

It sure does, cassavetes45.

I was going to share that in my analysis on Season 7 sometime in the future, but, I couldn't wait any longer. That cake Columbo has looks remarkable.

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

I agree with most of this, but can't believe Gerard would want to be congratulating Columbo on his cooking at this stage. That wouldn't fit in with his personality at all. And Columbo's food hardly looks appetising!

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

You pose an interesting proposition, tffff.

Again, I still do believe that Gerard only commented the way he did in sympathy for him being 'caught out' in a way. Even further, perhaps, he was still just doing what he loves best and that is to be a food critic.

Old habits die hard.

Re: "I wish you had been a chef"

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