The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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One of the many thing I have liked about Columbo is when he shows up with his beat-up paperbag. Be it whiskey bottles or shoes-there is always something very important, or incriminating in it.

I wonder-did they always use the same paper bag?

A silly topic...

Re: Paperbag?

I think it is an adorable topic!!
Now..whether they used the same paper bag or not? I don't know. But you brought up an idea that I hadn't even thought of before....he does show up with a paper bag a lot!!!
Greenhouse Jungle...he has the bag with the african violet....Double the grocery store scene he has Kepple's tape recorder in a bag....Excercise in Fatality..he has Gene Stafford's shoes, along with his own lunch, in a bag...and I believe in Case of Immunity...he is eating his lunch outside the gates of the legation and I believe he has a folded paper bag with him...
And I am sure there are many other instances when Columbo has that magical paper bag with him...

Re: Paperbag?

lol...i hope it wasn't the very same bag each time. in "Now You See Him" he shows up with greasy fried chicken in the bag! i really hope he didn't reuse that one!

Re: Re: Paperbag?

If he had shown up at the mission in "Negative Reaction" holding a paper bag, imagine Joyce Van Patten's reaction - "Now, now, brother, liquor isn't the answer."

Re: Paperbag?

hahahaha that was a good one Grant