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Re: Future Guest Murderer

They could really pull in a huge audience with Kelsey Grammer as the guest murderer. As a matter of fact, I have this idea for an episode in which Kelsey Grammer would play the part of an aut... ah, never mind. It'd never happen. Not a script from some smeck in Illinois...

Re: Future Guest Murderer

...hmm...I am intrigued...first off Kelsey would be great...there is something about him..I don't know what it is...but he reminds me of Orson Welles...I think he is a big fan of Welles....but Headache...what were you going to say...'aut''s getting late and cassa had a long day and she is a bit dim-witted at the moment....

Re: Re: Future Guest Murderer

Tom Cruise would make an excellent Columbo villain. Perhaps the small screen is not his thing, though I would think he could make an exception for a show as internationally loved.

Re: Re: Re: Future Guest Murderer

Really liked the idea of Cruise as a villain. How about a murder occuring during the filming of a reunion show from the 70's? One in which there was some publicized tension--Laverne and Shirley, MASH, etc. Motive might have something to do with residuals, unhonored contracts, etc. Of course, reassembling the casts would be expensive.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Future Guest Murderer

Michael, that's a FANTASTIC idea! The only thing wrong with that is, I wish i had thought of it first!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Future Guest Murderer

Glad you liked it. I was also thinking along the lines of a cop show that was 180 degrees different from Columbo, shows whose plot lines and detective techniques were along the lines of Starsky and Hutch or whatever that show was with the two motorcycle cops? And the Tom Cruise idea I don't think is farfetched . . .

Re: Future Guest Murderer


Re: Re: Future Guest Murderer

CHIPS, of course. As I recall there was some tension on that set from Eric Estrata and whoever his partner was. The playing of a Columbo villain would be the challenge of Estrata's acting career. Which might bring up a new topic of . . . who would be the most unlikely Columbo villain? Both Bob Keeshan and Fred Rogers are deceased--but I bet they could have pulled it off.

Re: Future Guest Murderer

Yes...good old conceited Erik Estrada as Ponch Poncherello..and Larry "white bread" Wilcox as Jon Baker.

As far as unlikely murderers? How about Kermit the Frog??? ...pretty unlikely.......But Miss Piggy is a different story!! She would make a great guest murderer!!

Re: Re: Future Guest Murderer

Actually I was going more for people like Durwood Kirby. Hey, there's a reunion of I've Got a Secret and . . . but most of those folks are, unfortunately, no longer with us.

Re: Re: Future Guest Murderer

Not to discount Miss Piggy's homicidal abilities, but I was thinking in terms of actors of some ability-- who on the surface we wouldn't think of as Columbo villains--but may have the talent to pull it off. Carl Reiner? Ray Ramono? Kelsy Grammer, mentioned earlier, would be fantastic, but what about Niles?

Re: Future Guest Murderer

No one could ever discount Miss Piggy!! And she may have a few words to say to you Michael about her acting abilities!!!

But if I could think of some "real" person who would be an unlikely about James Garner....or Bill Cosby...or Tony Danza...Alan Alda...or Doris Day...???

And to take this a step further.....wouldn't it have been great to see the wonderful Vito Scotti as a guest murderer!!....oh the fun he and Peter would have had filming that one!!

Re: Re: Future Guest Murderer

Cassa, with Vito Scotti as the guest murderer, now that's the one I wouldn't mind sitting in on! Say, how about Tom Hanks, Billy Crystal, Danial Stern, Jack Palance and Joe Pesci?.

Re: Future Guest Murderer

Some good picks there Stan....especially Tom Hanks and Billy Crystal.