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Re: Re: Re: Interesting thing about "Swan Song"

Good point about the thermos, which relates to another subtle gaff they allowed to slip by.

In response to Tommy's supposition about it,
Columbo states "You see, a thermos wouldn't be consumed by fire ... METAL INSIDE OF GLASS."

Of course, we never saw a thermos constructed that way, but I'm sure the pre-household-VCR producers of these shows never anticipated such microscopic scrutiny this many years down the road either.

I mean, sure, we catch their errors now, but how can we fault the fast-paced studios back then for avoiding costly retakes to re-shoot otherwise perfect scenes? After all, that's why they recycle music, character actors and stock footage.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting thing about "Swan Song"

i have to say i totally enjoyed this one myself...i love johnny cash but i liked the repoire between columbo and the could see that he doesnt really underestimate columbo as the others usually do and that he thought maybe he could get away with it...he truly is one of the characters that had true remorse at the end...